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Everything posted by Selle

  1. Good day everyone. I’ve been having this problem ever since I got the J1 job offer this May. I already have a job offer for J1 visa and I’m now going to process my visa. The thing is I have a K1 pending application. I had a boyfriend before, we were together for 2 years and we ended things up for good just this March. But our relationship was already not good last year so we would be on and off and every time, I would always tell him to cancel the K1 visa as I didn’t want to have a problem with the US embassy. Side note: I first started my J1 journey January of 2020 and I met him 2021. He came here to the Philippines and met me April of 2022 and when he came back to the US he applied for a K1 visa. There was no progress in my J1 visa ever since of 2020 so I thought I didn’t had the chance to work there in the USA. And just this May of 2023 when it finally had a progress. I had the job interview with a school around May 11th and by May 15th they already offereme the job. Been telling him to cancel our visa but no response from him. I’ve been emailing our visa agency but they keep telling me I don’t have power to cancel it as I am not the petitioner. Is it gonna be a problem when I have my embassy interview? I badly need answers. I’ve been stressing about this a lot these days. Thank you so much everyone.
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