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Everything posted by void04

  1. Appreciate your responses. This guy pretty much asked the same thing in 2017 but nothing definitive Upon further research, apparently there is a long procedure for overseas Pakistanis to have a divorce (to be registered in Pakistan). I can't find anything definitive that says a US divorce isn't accepted in Pakistan, but can't find anything that says it is accepted either. Does anyone know anyone who first married in Pakistan and then divorced in US and then remarried in Pakistan?
  2. Hello all! Hope this finds you all well! I've been having a recurring worry, was hoping I could put it to rest with your guys' help. I'll try to be concise. I'm a US citizen. Went to Pakistan to study 10 years ago. Got married (to ex wife) 8 years ago who came from Canada, but marriage was in Pakistan. Finished university in 2019 and moved back to Nevada 2019. Ex wife and I got a divorce in early 2021 in Nevada (she mailed her paperwork from Canada, everything was uploaded to the Court website as the court was closed due to COVID). Originally I had filed a petition for the ex wife but rescinded it because of the divorce, so she never interviewed. I then got married to my (current) wife Q3 of 2021 in Pakistan. My question is this: since my first marriage was in Pakistan, then my divorce was in US (because I moved back to the states in 2019), then my next marriage was in Pakistan in 2021, will that be an issue? I did do some research on this issue a few years back and came across reciprocation, in that a US divorce is (apparently) valid in Pakistan. But now I'm just wanting to double check that. Any insight would be greatly appreciated please
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