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Everything posted by ScottishBrooklyn

  1. Hey, sorry about the late reply. I'm sure you've been updated by now about passport collection but my NVC status didn't change at all. Even after i had passport in hand. For anyone following up, I had registered for passport pick up rather than delivery: Wednesday: AM interview. Thursday: received email saying passport was being picked up by courier. Monday: 6am received email saying passport was available for pick up. Monday: Picked it up at 8am. Tuesday: Flight to US
  2. That's correct. It's just fingerprints.
  3. Hey Jeremy. I took with me pretty much everything I had submitted previously online plus some supplemental stuff from since then. I was of the feeling it's better to have and not need then need and not have. But yeah all I needed in the end was the civil docs. You're correct and I didn't need the financial papers. Biometrics was just fingerprints.
  4. I was in for my appointment at the US embassy in London today. I thought it would be useful to share my experience. My appointment was at 8am. I arrived around 7:30am to be faced with sizeable queues. There are three queues that I could see. 1 on the left hand side for us citizens. 2 on the right. One of those to check in after which you would join the other longer queue. As you have an appointment you can go straight to the front of the check in queue. Make sure and have your ds-260 confirmation printed to show along with your passport. Security step is next. I had a small back pack, bottle of water, phone, keys, wallet and documents. I just had to open the water bottle to take a sip I guess to show it was nothing dodgy. Then walked through the courtyard and into building where there is another queue. This one is to get your ticket number. After this take the elevator to the first floor. Once there I was directed to sit in the main area but soon noticed that I should've been round the corner. Left out the elevator then left again to the very end. There are instructions on the ticket. I was in the first few appointments of the day and was seen around 8:02. This initial counter visit was to take my docs. Passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, police record and passport photo along with my biometrics. Was asked when I planned to move to the US. Was asked for my confirmation that I had set up passport delivery. I didn't have this but confirmed that I had done it. Was then told to sit down again. Was called up again around 8:30. Confirmed my name, date of birth, asked how and when I met my partner, what she does for a living, where in the US she lives, does she or I have any children or previous marriages then that was that. Congratulated me, returned my docs and told me the passport would be sent in 3-5 days. Was out of there by 8:40am. All in all it was really straightforward and both people I spoke to were friendly. Delighted this is finally coming to an end. Good luck to everyone else on the journey.
  5. Thank you so much for your reply. It's good to hear that the wait time wasn't super long. Were you also an 8am appointment time?
  6. I have my interview appointment for my spouse visa scheduled at 8am on Wednesday morning in london. Should I be arriving at the embassy super early if I want to get ahead of any queues so I'm not there all day or are the appointment times pretty good? Any other advice for the day of would be amazing. Curious on anyone who's put down for DX pickup for their passport rather than delivery and how that went. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the reply Naty. I've just went ahead and booked for the suggested ten days prior.jusr had to change some plans to make it work. Didn't want to risk any problems as I need to be in the US asap after approval.
  8. I got mine through the post today, so here's my timeline: 11th September - sent email 9th October - received email that they will dispatch 10th October - received Seems like a month is the fair estimate right now.
  9. Thanks for the reply Melc, be interesting to hear from other experiences.
  10. DQ'd on September 29th, appointment email received on October 6th for November 29th.
  11. I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on whether they were able to have their medical a little closer to the interview than the ten business days recommended? Currently it looks like I might not be able to get to London until a week before.
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