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Everything posted by wallflowers

  1. Oh brilliant, this is the one! Thank you very much for the info on prices 😁
  2. Hi all I was wondering if someone could help me please? I’ve seen posts before about a cafe very close to the London Embassy that lets you store your bag for a fee, does anyone know the name of it please? I can’t seem to find it for the life of me! Or alternatively, any other places close by where I can store my bag. Thank you very much
  3. Hey there! Unfortunately, convictions such as this cannot be removed or expunged from a record (unless for some reason it transpired that you were innocent). What you’re probably thinking of when you thought it would be removed is that offences can become “spent” in the UK - meaning that after a certain amount of time has passed since an offence, it can be filtered and not shown on a disclosure and barring certificate for work purposes. For immigration though, everything on your record is disclosed. Some juvenile offences are forgiven in this process, however unfortunately grievous bodily harm does fall under a crime of moral turpitude and you may need a waiver considering the serious nature of the offence, despite your age. It’s hard to say at this stage until your interview. I’d be prepared. You may want to start looking into immigration lawyers, but there’s nothing even they can do at this stage until you know whether you’ll need a waiver or not. Your best bet is to be honest and transparent. Stick to the facts and don’t downplay what happened. Lying can make you ineligible. While a criminal record does complicate your green card application, it may not necessarily lead to a denial. Given your age and that it’s your only dealing with the law, it sounds like you’ve got a good chance of approval, but may need a waiver. Good luck :-)
  4. Hey, did you ever hear back? It may be worth considering contacting ACRO and providing them consent to confirm your certificate results with the embassy if you haven’t already as this could delay your AP. I’ve heard that the embassy sometimes needs to contact ACRO to confirm the information on your police certificate, but ACRO cannot share this information without your consent. Though usually the embassy would advise you of this.
  5. It took the NVC 6 days to DQ us, hopefully you should hear something very soon! I think it’s quite unlikely you’ll receive an interview date for September. There’s most of May and June’s applications still waiting for their IL’s, you’ll likely have an interview in October/November time I imagine 😁
  6. In regard to your No Live Trace Police Certificate - did you provide further information/a Subject Access Report detailing your conviction during your interview? Sometimes they need to verify this information with ACRO. Though, for this you would need to provide consent to ACRO to share your information with the embassy.
  7. Hi everyone, we’re in the very last stages of our CR1 process now and are awaiting our interview date. I’ve been looking at flight prices to get an idea of prices and one way tickets are around £1,400, but return tickets are only £850. You can book the return portion for up to 11 months in advance, so I was thinking of doing this and simply using the return to visit my family in around a years time. My spouse is concerned that this may raise red flags at customs though, and that they’d be suspicious that I have a return ticket, and not a one-way. Do you think this would be a problem? I mean, ideally I’d like to save £500+ if I can, but if it means I’d possibly get denied entry then I’ll spend the extra money 😅 We’re just of course concerned about something going wrong, so close to the finish line. Thank you for your insight.
  8. Oh sorry, I didn’t realise that. I booked my London medical without an interview so it’s definitely okay there - however always best to ring and check just to make sure 😁
  9. You don’t need a scheduled interview date to book your medical, however, do keep in mind that when your visa is approved, it’ll only be valid 6 months from the date of your medical. So if you had your medical tomorrow, and your interview was scheduled for two months time, your visa to enter the United States would only be valid for four months. Some people have had their interviews scheduled for the 31st of July, so it’s very possible you may not receive a date until August. This is why most people wait until they’ve got their interview date before attending their medical 😁
  10. I’m super happy for you by the way! It’s just so odd, it’s like they gave you a date and decided they were done, one and done 😂😂
  11. I really don’t think they sent out a batch in May. I appreciate someone here who said they were DQ’ed on the 18th of April received an IL, but this seems like an anomaly as it was on the bank holiday when the offices were closed? And the other person who shared their date was F-2A Category. I’m still holding onto hope for tomorrow… 😅
  12. Hey everyone, we were DQ’d yesterday! 🥳 Do you think we might have made the cut off point for the next batch of interview letters? Are they typically emailed at the end/beginning of each month? 😁
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