Her mom has been my wife here for 7 years as of July, 2023. My wife has been a naturalized citizen for over 3 years now. I'm a born US citizen, 100% VA disabled. My wife's an LPN for the Army., civilian employee. She got her daughger here 6 months ago and wants to get a US passport for the kid. The kid's dad is a doper-flake in Manila and cant be found to sign a consent form to let our daughter have a US passport. The government in Phills is a disaster. I've got a passport form DS5525- (08-2016,) that has some outlines for how we can claim that we made various attempts to contact the guy and get his consent, My wife claims that HE doesn't know where he is most of the time. They were never married. After the first year of the kid's life, he just abandoned them. So is there some way that I can bypass trying to get a court order out of some Philippine court, which might well take years? Thanks.