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Everything posted by hankjr4x4

  1. To clarify - I apologize. I wasn't precise enough in my original post. I have not been 'approved for an interview' that was shorthand for having my i-130 approved. I'm now in the process of filing my financial docs as the sponsor and the reason I thought it would be somewhat acceptable is that my income is well over the threshold and the IRS actually owes ME a lot of money. Yes, I have been negligent and that's on me. That being said I have to move forward somehow and am living in abroad with my spouse. I'm doing everything I can to not slow down the process further because I'm so tired of living away from my home country and just want to come home. I did see one comment that they only require the most recent year and the other years are optional? Can anyone else verify? Currently I am also running into issues getting my w2s from my employers in past years and issues from id.me getting into my account because the system is so wonky am now am locked out. I had the IRS mail my documents to my home residence in the US, but that is of course taking forever and even then I'll have to work out a way to get my transcript after everything is up to date which will be an issue since the id.me won't let me in. Trying to avoid all this extra wait on the IRS mailing me my documents. Many thanks for all the helpful comments.
  2. I have not yet filed the i-864 that's the next step for me. last filed in 2019 Thanks!
  3. We've been approved to have an interview. I unfortunately am a bit behind on my taxes - 3 years. Does anyone know if this will raise red flags during the interview, or do they not care as long as I can provide proper income verification?
  4. Thank you - so just to be clear you're saying that instead of tax returns I should upload the tax package itself and that will satisfy them? That would be great. Then I wouldn't have to wait the 6 weeks for the tax returns. I don't mind filing the taxes, just trying to avoid the delay (even though it's small and may end up being meaningless in the long run).
  5. I haven't filed taxes for 2020, 21, 22. We have been accepted with our i-130 and getting everything in order for our interview, but I given that I haven't filed taxes and am not current I'm wondering if that will cause issues for us. I can easily file now and provide the confirmation, but it'll take 6 weeks to get the tax return and I don't want to necessarily wait that long. Can I just submit the confirmation, proof of income, and tax transcript or will it be reason for concern when we arrive at the interview? Mostly just trying to avoid the 6 weeks it takes to get the tax return and not get grilled for not being up to date on taxes. Any advice?
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