Hi folks,
I wanted to clarify best approach here regarding using assets only.
Our interview is in 2 weeks time and we are looking to use assets only due to no eligble income.
Currently our assets are split across multiple savings/checking/investment accounts.
I am being sponsored by a USC so require a minimum of 3x poverty line in assets.
I'll be using assets that are in my name (the immigrant) so will be filing it under the i-864a document.
Currently my assets are roughly split as follows:
Investment account : 87,000 USD (global tracker fund)
Savings account 1: 20,000 USD (instant access savings account - opened account last month to take advantage of higher yields)
Savings accounts 2, 3, 4: roughly 2000$ spread across these
Checking account 1: 5000 USD
Checking account 2: (Joint account with my sponsor): 15000 USD
Ideally, I want to make things as simple as possible from a documentation perspective.
Since I have my interview booked in, I was thinking of making life easier by liquidating the investment account 1 and consolidating all my finances so that it is split between a single checking and savings account. My worry however, is whether these large transactions will end up causing me more issues than if I were to just leave things as is?
My investment account has had roughly that amount in it for more than a year if that makes any difference?
Any advice would be wonderful.