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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
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  1. I sent original marriage certificate and birth certificate. I was pretty aure that's what they wanted. So they definitely got destroyed then.
  2. I'm sorry, I meant the documents submitted to USCIS with the I-130
  3. Hello everyone, I've received the email to schedule our interview but a prior problem has come up again. During the application process in the CEAC portal a police clearance was required from Saudi Arabia. We don't have the documents required to obtain the police clearance. I submitted the application and checked the "not available" box, and listed the reasons why. It was accepted and the process continued. I recently received the invitation to schedule the interview but in the email it says to upload that missing document or the interview "may" be canceled. I've called the embassy information line but it's just a call center. I've emailed the embassy directly but no response for 2 weeks. I've emailed the Saudi Arabian ministry of Interior and The Department of Migrant workers in the Philippines to see If they can provide any of the documents. Does anyone here have any experience with or suggestions for this situation?
  4. Hi everyone, When are my original documents supposed to be returned? My case is at the embassy now but I never received my documents back.
  5. Finally Success!!!! I reformatted the image from Jpg to pdf using Adobe and it finally worked. All other documents were formatted using Microsoft paint. For some reason it accepted all the other documents but not this one.
  6. I tried uploading so many times yesterday that they blocked my access to the website. 😂
  7. I tried Chrome on my laptop, Chrome on my Android phone, and Microsoft edge on my laptop. It's exactly the same as the files uploaded successfully in the other 2 cases being processed. I'll keep uploading to see if it randomly works. I just tried Incognito mode with different formats, with and without comments, no success still
  8. I appreciate the suggestion, but still no success.
  9. Yeah, We were already planning to be married but Covid forced us to do it online not knowing how long the country would be locked down. Now I guess I owe her an IRL wedding ceremony 🤣
  10. I have 3 applications in process, Wife and 2 stepsons. There are a total of 9 civil documents to upload of which 8 have uploaded successfully. Some documents uploaded as jpeg while the same document for another application had to be converted to pdf before being accepted. The final document to be uploaded is my wife's Birth certificate. I have submitted both pdf and jpeg formats, compressed to different sizes (under 4mb and under 2mb), I have used google chrome, microsoft edge, and chrome on my android phone. Everytime I try to upload it I receive this notification: Please correct the following error(s): Select a File: Invalid Image Detected This notification appeared with other files but corrected after I changed formats or sizes. I found a thread here thats outdated on this topic where the conclusion was that the issue was on the .gov server side and to just keep re uploading and it will eventually work. Does anyone have any insights on this issue?
  11. I married my Filipina wife online through Utah. It does not change the application process. It took 14 months to be approved and We are currently dealing with the NVC. There is a requirement that you spend some time together in person after the marriage, I'm not sure what the minimum amount of time is. There was no questioning about the validity of the marriage contract. I spent a year with my wife after getting married and had 6 years of proof of relationship with her, so we had no issues.
  12. On the I-130 it says "Provide the address in the United States where the beneficiary intends to live". I currently live in a small studio unit, before they arrive I will move to an appropriate sized house. As the "address where the beneficiary intends to live" does not exist yet, I just put my current address. Is there something else I should do? Are there any future complications that will arise from this? I appreciate the help
  13. Thank you all for the clarification. More questions to come.
  14. If I understand correctly I need to fill out an I-130 for each beneficiary, 1 spouse and 2 stepchildren. Do I just include all 3 applications in the same packet and pay a single filing fee of $535? Also on the I-130 for my spouse do I include the childrens names on page 6 number 25a and 29a? it reads: Provide information about the beneficiary's spouse and children. I assume its for her children not mine, just want to be sure. I appreciate the help
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