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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Round Rock
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  • Interests
    Writing, reading and music. What more can I say?

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa (DCF)
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    We met online through a game and started as friends. It evolved into best friends when we finally understood the true depths of our feelings and connection we had. We were and are the other half to each other's soul and once together nothing will seperate us again.

    The Promise

    I promise with my heart
    All the love I can give
    I promise with my soul
    All that I am is yours.
    You are my life
    The one I have prayed for
    You are everything to me
    Nothing more could I have asked for
    Dreams held in the past
    Of love one hopes to have
    Fades in comparison
    To the soft touch of your hands
    Never in my life, had something meant so much
    As the sound of your laughter and the need of your touch
    Forever will I be, awed by our bond
    The perfect match for me is my best friend and lover.

Robyn-n-Kris's Achievements

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  1. This is what i was looking for. We can provide all of that in abundance. Thanks so much!
  2. Hubby came over in 05/2008 on a fiance visa. We got married in 06/2008. We remained in the US until 2019 and then moved to the UK (I wanted to try out the country) Because of the time out of the country we filed I-130 and came back in 2020. But he did reside with me in the US for 11 years and now for nearly 5 years. Again, I'm just curious if photos are such a big deal. We have mortgage statements, bank statements, tax statements, insurance documents etc. We just don't do pictures.
  3. We don't mind providing evidence for our marriage, I'm just trying to determine how much photos might play a part. I know when we did the initial filing (when we came back to the US from the UK after a year and half) we didn't provide any photo evidence for the I-130. Hubby's first GC was back in 2008. We then moved to the UK in 2019-2020 and then did the i-130 to move back. I get that he can apply under the 5 year rule this year, but we are still looking at the 3 year at this time.
  4. Ok, so hubby is finally thinking of obtaining his citizenship. We understand most of the documentation that is required, but I keep seeing pop up providing proof of the relationship. Now we've been married going on 17 years (and he's lived in the US for nearly 16). We have tax documents, mortgage documents etc, but we don't really do 'photos'. Is this going to be an issue when he gets to any interview stage? Just trying to figure out if we have to bite the bullet and actually take pictures.
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