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Everything posted by mochon

  1. Doesn’t make any sense 🤔. Can you get three passport from same country? If I travel 190 countries everyday! I don’t think I would need three passport . I think OP wanted to say He has got one valid passport but three expired ones with valid visas.
  2. @Redro Thanks for your advice. My visa has been issued. Although I was in AP for 2 week
  3. Are you married to an USC and is he their biological father?
  4. Hi Guys Just had my interview on the 18th for CR1. Was issued 221g . The vo said need a bit more time to go over my stuff. Kept my passport and wedding photos. I am not a British citizen. From a Muslim majority country. He did ask did we get married on first visit. But this is how Muslim marriage normally occurs. He also said, I can expect to hear from them in few weeks or less. USCIS approved our petition without any rfe. I am wondering what could be the reason.
  5. Congratulations. Mine is next week . Finger crossed
  6. It is valid for 12 months
  7. I got mine in 3 days . Did you file online?
  8. You are supposed to apply for SAR and bring it to the interview.
  9. I had my medical today at Visa Medical London. No where near as crazy as it has been described in VJ. I was out in 50 minutes. First at the reception provided ID and filled out extended medical forms. Yes no check boxes. Then a lovely lady took my X-ray. Asked her about it. Answer: It’s very good. Next went to vaccine nurse. Was given two boosters. £110. Lastly I was called by a lovely doctor. Said it was an easy one. No prior history of anything. Took height and weight. Then checked lymph nodes and blood pressure. And took some blood. I was done in 10 min. Scary reception lady took £490 and said bye😂 My gp summary mentioned asthma but nothing was asked about it.
  10. Mine took 14 days
  11. I am confused with one question in the us medical Questionaire form that you are supposed fill up before appointment. q12: Have you ever had a previous medical for immigration purposes? I had a TB test when I moved to UK in 2014 on a student visa. So what should I answer? Is it asking about medical for a us visa or any country?
  12. Did you get the medical summary from gp? Is it a short document ?
  13. Anyone with dq date before April 20 still waiting for interview letter?
  14. Now I am dqed also got clean criminal records. So I don’t think uk is bothered about overstay.
  15. They never asked me any proof or anything. I just put my physical address in UK. But asked for consulate in home country but Nvc assigned me to London.
  16. I am not worried about uk. Because people say in the VJ you need to be lawfully resident in a country to interview. If the officer don’t care then great. I think they need proof of residency only if you want to transfer case.
  17. Hi I have been DQed without any problem. But still worried about the interview and can they refuse because of my residency only and do I have to start over again!
  18. I am in Uk and my visa is expired. But I have been DQed and waiting for interview. Can I attend the interview? My interview location was assigned based on my current physical address.
  19. DQED on 16/05/23. Did I make the cutoff for this months IL? Finger crossed
  20. I have submitted additional docs. Wondering if dq will be reset. As per my research it doesn't if submitted before nbc review. finger crossed
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