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Everything posted by mk8t4

  1. the issue comes with not being able to bring my wife with me. If I cant bring my wife then I have to pay for 2 rents, and the cost of living for me and my wife. would I be able to do this on a supermarket salary? If I can bring my wife, then I only have to pay 1 rent, and the cost of living is shared. that is much easier to do on a supermarket salary. I would be using some savings, but It would be temporary until I found a better job. Plus Id be moving to California, and the cost of living there is high.
  2. thats what im trying to figure out. just moving to a new apartment here will cost about $2K, even more if we have to use a moving company. Ive been applying for jobs here, and in America but have had no luck so far.
  3. Such as? wife stays with mother? my wife and her mother dont get along well and she doesn't believe my wife should be taking medicine for her bipolar disorder. they start fighting after a couple days together. Her mother is also taking care of grandmother in a small 1 bedroom apartment. My wife gets severe allergies if she stays more than a couple days there. I move to the US? there is no guarantee I quickly get a job in the US. there is no way I can pay for my rent in the US, and my wifes rent in Japan. The cost of health insurance, care insurance, is much higher in the US. I would also have to buy a car and make payments. stay with family? my family still requires me to pay rent. though they have mentioned that I dont have to pay utilities. Apply for jobs in the US now? I have been. of all the applications ive sent out i have had 0 replies. Stay in Japan? I will be out of a job, and it is very unlikely that I can find a new one before my wife gets a visa. with what money?
  4. my wife and her mother dont get along well and she doesn't believe my wife should be taking medicine for her bipolar disorder. they start fighting after a couple days together. Her mother is also taking care of grandmother in a small 1 bedroom apartment. My wife gets severe allergies if she stays more than a couple days there.
  5. ok, this makes sens now. i didnt know it was a generic term.
  6. Ive been applying to jobs in the US to better qualify for an expedited visa. I haven't heard anything from any of the places i have applied to. one of my friends owns a company. but its not in my field, and Id be looking for a new job as soon as i arrived in the US.
  7. Im already living with my family. did the person assume that I am living in the US? im my wifes only support, so leaving her isn't an option
  8. filed I-130 august 2022. i live in japan with my wife and 2 kids. i asked about evidence for expedite request. short story is at the end of the year I will have no job, im not able to find a new job here, apartment lease will end, and I cant leave my wife because I am here only means of support for her and our kids. Its also expensive to move to another place. someone said i would be applying for a family reunification visa. most of the information I find online about family reunification visas is about refugees or the petitioner is already in the US. Im living with my wife. Can someone explain why a family reunification visa was mentioned? how I can show a US domicile I have a joint sponsor.
  9. How would I qualify for a family reunification visa? I already applied for a spouse visa for my Japanese wife. Im living with my wife. I can show a US domicile. I have a joint sponsor. I will be out of a job and unable to find a new one before my wife can get her visa. I am not able to leave my wife because I am her only means of support.
  10. Is there any evidance I can submit that shows that My language ability is preventing me from getting a job? What evidance can I submit that show that I have been trying to find a Job? would it be better to file under Financial, or Humanitarian reasons? living in Japan with my wife, and we have children, 2 yar, and 5 year (with CRBA). filed I-130 In September. Financial My work contract ends at the end of this year. trying to find another job but no success. I have conversations in japanese, but dont know enough Kanji, to get another Job. My wife is unemployed and watches our kids when they are not at daycare. my lease ends the same time my contract ends. the minimum lease length is 2 years. we would need to find a different place to live, or pay to break our lease. We wont be able tosign a new lease unless I have a job. A new lease in Japan normaly requires several months rent, and other fees before moving in. we paid about $2K to sign the lease on the place we live now. Moving back in with our her mom would also cost $2K for a moving company. As soon as my contract ends, my lease ends, and I will be unemployed. My wife has tried to find work, but has not found anything. Humanitarian I cant move to the US and leave my wife and kids. My wife is bipolar and takes medicine every day. I help make sure she takes her medicine. My wife needs a lot of help with the kids, and she runs out of energy very easily. My wife doesnt have any family that can help her, and all of my family is in the US. Her mother lives 4 hours away and takes care of grandmother in a small 2 bedroom apartment. she only comes to see us 2 -3times a year Her father, lives in a different country. Evidance I plan to submit 1. Work contract that shows date of termination 2. lease with end dates same as work contract. 3. letter from Dr. confirming her bipolar medicine and needing support. 4. letter from mother in law confirming she is taking care of grandmother and cant help my wife with kids. 5. offer from moving company that shows high cost of moving closer to her mother. (with date showing it is within the last month) 6. letter from my family offering to help support us. 7. (something that shows I have been tring to get a job)? 8. (something that shows my lack of needed language ability to get a job)? Would the whole lease, and offer from the moving company need to be translated, or only the pages that have the needed information?
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