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Everything posted by LYV

  1. We are late May coming up on a year and the only update this year was a solicited one. Has anyone heard anything from their lawyers about why the timelines are suddenly increasing so much? The new tracker is not 100% accurate in its analysis since many of us now have been waiting a year or more.
  2. I'm not sure. If you got to the end of Part 2 the link to Part 3 is deleted. So might be confusing for some folks trying to find this thread.
  3. What ones have you seen? There have been people who have gotten through this year that I have seen, but they had been asked late last year for their passports and medical. From what I have seen no one has been asked for new medical/passport in many months.
  4. Has anyone considered that they may not process any of us in an election year? I don't believe anyone in this forum has been asked to redo medical/send back passport this year.
  5. I believe the spreadsheet may now be being used incorrectly. If you were only issued a 121g or resume only please do not enter your information on this spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is for the DS-5535 Form. Also, the request for the passport date was indicative in the past that they are about to process your visa. Now they are asking for it on the form at the interview. I am not sure how we can indicate this on the spreadsheet. Thank you
  6. I have never had a problem crossing by land and have done many times but my husband and I are immigrating together to the US. I would think it would stir up more questions if the person immigrating was going to visit their spouse/fiancé.
  7. This page is for people awaiting interview. It wouldn’t have anything to do with someone who has already interviewed.
  8. Sounds like you actually got the most honest answer even though he was rude. Our VO was super nice and said it was random and that it would likely take 2 weeks. It’s been over 8 months.
  9. It’s called “US Embassy Administrative Processing and Form DS-5535” Has 1.4K followers
  10. There is a group on Facebook for worldwide DS-5535 and someone on there was a Feb 2023 Montreal interview. They were contacted in September to resubmit medical. Could mean they’ve taken some sort of break and the rest of the Feb interviews will get notice soon.
  11. A reminder to all, a 221g only is not a DS-5535. This thread is for people given a DS-5535 in Montreal. For others with only a 221g it it not helpful to get advice from this forum because it will be a different timeline and different processing. It is also not helpful for DS-5535 to see 221g only a get through in a couple months when many have been waiting 8 plus months. Thank you.
  12. Thanks for switching it back. I think if you are viewing from your phone there is no option to change the filter. At least I didn’t see one.
  13. There seems to be an issue with the tracking sheet again. Did someone sort it for CR1 only and forget to change it back? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jV7rzX2eCRVoEDRhOtN9a6hDoHRLNEf1P3ZGZbQ0_Dc/edit#gid=0
  14. I’m so sorry, my partner and I have been holding off getting pregnant because of the complications of adding a baby to our case. We are both Canadian though. Will you go to the US to have the baby? I’m not sure what it will mean to have the baby here. Maybe consult your lawyer if you have one. I fear it prolonging the process but again could be different because she is American.
  15. 😢I’m sorry. We feel you’re pain, we’ve all been there. It’s devastating. I feel like they tell you what you want to hear. Either that or they don’t know. But you can check the excel sheet and see how it has gone for most people here. It’s possible there may be people that got through faster and just have not found this forum because they got through so fast.
  16. Disagree, My family and my husband’s family are English, German, French. My mom is American as well as several other family members. The consulate person interviewing told us it was random. if a baby gets it and no other family members then you know it’s something else going on and not based on anything.
  17. HI @Bestbest7 Congrats! It must feel amazing to see the end of the tunnel! Can you please add your information to our tracking spreadsheet? It will help others determine what their wait time might look like. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jV7rzX2eCRVoEDRhOtN9a6hDoHRLNEf1P3ZGZbQ0_Dc/edit#gid=0
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