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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  1. Please could you advise after reading the below which I have put down in detail, also please let me know if I need to hire immigration lawyer or have some kind of documentation when going for interview? Will I need a waiver? Thank you! I am in dire need for some help and advice with my case, I am the beneficiary for my spouse visa (CR1) and I have 1 criminal record. In 2016, I pleaded guilty to one count of theft. I attended all my hearings and also provided restitution (jewelries were returned and paid $400usd) the total amount was approximately $1400usd total for theft. The verdict of the judge: You said that you are willing to pay back for what you have stolen. You promised not to re-offend. Subsequently you paid $ 400 dollars for restitution. In this case I pick 18 months as the starting point. For the aggravating factors I enhance the sen ence by 3 months. For the mitigating factors I deduct 3 months Further I give you a 1/3 discount for the early plea. Further I give you a 1/3 discount for the early plea. Having considered your previous clean records and the fact that you did restitution, I decide to suspend your sentence. Accordingly I impose 12 months imprisonment on you and suspend it for 5 years. I was 22 years old at that time, now I am 29. I had previous clean record and this is the only criminal record that I have under my name. I have been extremely anxious and depressed if this will cause a denial as we are at the NVCstage, I know at the interview I will be asked and I will tell honestly about the conviction however I am anxious if this case is going to cause the CO to deny my visa. Kindly requesting your help and advice, has anyone else been in a similar situation or position and can give me advice please. Your help will truly help me calm me down. thank you in advance
  2. Hi Nyla congratulations, hope your CR1 got approved and your interview went well too? Please do advise how it went as we’re in a similar situation and your response will highly help us.
  3. I am so sorry I didn’t know that. However, do you think would it be wiser to delete all the posts and threats and create a new post? I just need some advise and help on my initial post🙏🏼
  4. I am little confused could you please advise why was the post removed? I’m with learning VJ sorry
  5. I hope you have received some sort of update by now? Hoping whatever outcome may be, be it a positive one for you and your family.
  6. Hi! I am writing this with a lot of anxiety and stress as my husband and I we are in NVC stage and I as the beneficiary I have a criminal record of minor theft, this was 7 years ago. I was a first offender and had clean record. This is the only offense committed and I had done restitution during my court hearing & attended all my hearings until the verdict was announced. I have not committed any other crime ever since then and have been clean. I was given a 5 years probation in 2017 and it has completed. I will be going to get my police clearance done soon, i am not sure if it’ll show on the clearance or not but I choose not to lie. What I would like to know is that if this will affect our NVC stage from being DQ’d or approved. Your advice and feedback will truly calm my nerves down. Thank you in advance.
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