Dear Community, it's been a while. I wanted to provide an update on my timeline from a Favorable Recommendation in April this year to my current situation of the adjustment of status. It took me several months to assemble all the documents to file the adjustment of status; I had to re-issue my marriage certificate due to a minor mistake we did not notice years ago and complete health appointments for STDs, transmittable diseases, and overall health. The point of interest is that you will need many vaccines, most of which are available for free from CVS, with most health insurance coverage. However, if you do this vaccine on the day of the appointment, your insurance will not cover it and will go 100% from your pocket. The immigration health appointment staff may not necessarily be forthcoming regarding this aspect unless you ask them directly. So, it is best to get the list of the vaccines you are missing and get them from CVS or your PCP. Finally, I filed for the position on September 5th of this year. I filed I-485 for myself and my wife, I-131 for travel authorization, and I-765 for work authorization. On October 25th, I reviewed my fingerprint appointment. A few weeks later, my work and travel authorization was approved, and I received a combo card allowing me to work in the US without restrictions and travel in and out of the country. The filing fees and other unrelated expenses have depleted my resources, so even though I can travel now, I don't expect any international travel in the next couple of years. My wife only received work authorization; her travel authorization is still pending after fingerprint collection. While green card review certainly takes its time, it is incomparable with the hell of 3 years of waiting for an I-612 waiver, and you get benefits along the way with work and travel authorizations. I'll update you on the final outcome and if I will be required for the green card interview. Here is some advice for those waiting for their waiver: If you want to save time, prepare your green card submission package in advance. It makes sense to do it after a positive recommendation. If rejected, the document effort would be useless, but preparing the green card submission can save you several months as you can file within weeks you receive the I-612 approval letter as soon as you finish your health appointment and receive the sealed package with your health information.