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Bill Oxner

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Everything posted by Bill Oxner

  1. That why I use a CPA to try to reduce any thing I have to pay to the IRS I pay taxes on my house to live in like 10K per year, pay taxes when I buy something, pay taxes on anything I earn, it's crazy the taxing that goes on, thankfully no state income tax.
  2. I paid 1k for a lawyer to set up my LLC/S-Corp I just did my taxes since business taxes are due March 15th. Paid $662 for doing Form 1120S, Paid $95 for Franchise Tax return, Paid $334 for doing 1040. Pay about $500 yearly for them filing all my quartely stuff and doing payroll. Rather inexpensive in my books for all the money I save
  3. Interesting post. But don't most CPA suggest once you start making close to 100K or more as self employment that you set up a LLC / S-Corp and let the Corportion take about 70% of the revenue and cut a yearly check for like 30k and take out FICA/FUTA/etc.. I was always told Self Employment pays around 15% tax and corporate tax is like 7%. I know you business tax returns are due March 15th and personal tax returns are due April 15th. And you have to file two seperate returns in this scenario.
  4. I would set up a LLC and or S-Corp and work with your CPA for your taxes. I suggest hire an attorney to set up your LLC/S-Corp they only charge around 1K USD. I wouldn't pay taxes on your full salary since it's like 15 to 20% if self employed, have you business take the burnt of the income and pay taxes on that part at a much lower rate. This is how most professional service companies are set up for tax purpose.
  5. I have never paid quarterly and been self employed for 25 years I just pay whats due each year
  6. Sir that is a good point
  7. My wife got the stamp, it was few years ago when they were doing the delayed on greencards she was a K1 and people were getting extension letters and then those were expiring. For some reason she never had an interview for either her 2 year or 10 year greencard, they were just both approved upon application.
  8. Are they long now? No longer getting approved like in month?
  9. I was more concerned about it being worth my time since I only travel outside USA a few times per year Is it really that much of a convience Is it fairly easy process? I haven't traveled outside of USA since July.
  10. Those with Global Entry do you find it worth having? One of my credit cards offers it as perk, but I only leave USA like 3 times per year.
  11. Where does the boyfriend live as in relationship to Manila? Is he gonna have to take a plane or boat to get to Manila and whom is going to shoulder the cost for food and travel and lodging? If the money starts getting too much, you may just save it if your paying and put it towards your trip to Philippines, Flights are pretty cheap for a trip to Philippines from USA.
  12. OP has already stated her mom will let her go visit " After a long fight with my mom, I was able to convince her to to let me see him. (Whether that be him coming to the US or me going to see him.)"
  13. This is visa website for US Visas. I would say about 100% of the people posting on here for K1 the other person lives outside of the USA There is no need for a US Citizen to get a visa for another US Citizen to marry. No need to beliitle someone, we are here to help them and furnish them with information that will help them. Just remember immigration isn't something we are taught in school, we have sites like this to help us learn and gain information. I am sure most if not all of us were lost when we started our visa journey.
  14. Here is some examples from VisaJourney in the past: I will include the link and a sample letter: The letter need not be complicated. Can be as simple as the sample below. [Date] United States Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [ ] Service Center PO Box xxxxxx Any Town, Any State To Whom It May Concern: In compliance with the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA), I respectfully request for waiver on filing limitations in connection with my current petition. A waiver is appropriate in my circumstance because I have no criminal history with regard to the “specified crimes” under IMBRA. I have one prior approved Form I-129F for Ms. xxxxxxxxxxxxx of the Republic of the Philippines, WACxxxxxxxxxx, MNL2005xxxxxx. Our relationship did not work out in the end so I did not pursue the petition anymore. [You might want to add more info here as appropriate] Hoping for your kind consideration of my request. Thank you. Sincerely, x x x Petitioner Waiver letter for 2nd k1 visa - IMBRA Special Topics - VisaJourney
  15. Nothing will be reported to police, it don't work that way in the USA
  16. Again another false comment Show me where USCIS on a I-129F form states you must wait two years to apply for a new K1. I will await your answer.
  17. Hire a lawyer for a B2? Really? It's a form you fill out online, Lawyer can't do anything for you at the US Embassy for a Tourist Visa, This isn't like the Philippines where a lawyer and some money can make things happens Have him apply and see what happens, I would say the odds are highly stacked against him, but it only cost like $160 to get the answer and trip to Manila either by plane, bus or ship or roro, or a combo of all them. USA doesn't do sponsorship for Tourist visa like many countries do. Your best bet it to book your trip like on Delta Air to go see him, if you need to cancel or change it's easy and you will get full credit on your Delta Wallet to be used for up to 2 years. PAL may offer the same, but I don't use them since they only fly to a select few cities in California and New York City only.
  18. no sample letter possible because everyone's facts and circumstances are different... simply write a statement(s) explaining your situation in a brief and factual manner and end the statement(s) with "based on the previous statement(s) I hereby request a waiver from the I-129F multiple filing limitations" or something like that.
  19. You write your own letter. It's called a general waiver form, you basically say I Bill Oxner I am requesting a general wiaver for a multi filer. Add a little information and your good, They are usually about 3 lines long
  20. Again this if false and untrue, Please stop posting false information on this forum How many have you filed a K1 and did it cause a red flag? I am thinking your answer will be I have never file 2 or more K1's, this is what I think I can tell you from reality it caused no red flags and maybe could possibly speed up the process since the petitioner has already been vetted by USCIS once. Nothing mentioned at Embassy Interview regarding past K1's applications, only about a 3 minute interview consisting of maybe 7 questions and boom you are approved.
  21. Rupees or US Dollars?
  22. This is 100% incorrect per USCIS Item Numbers 5.a. - 5.d. Multiple Filer Waiver Request. You must request a waiver of the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA) filing limitations if: 1. You are filing this petition on behalf of your fiancé(e) and you previously filed Form I-129Fs on behalf of two or more fiancé(e) beneficiaries; or 2. You are filing this petition on behalf of your fiancé(e), you have previously had a Form I-129F approved, and less than two years have passed since the filing date of your previously approved petition Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) (uscis.gov)
  23. You can file as many as you want per USCIS After 2 you need to file a waiver which is just a short explanation and they are approved, no biggie and easy peasy.
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