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    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Philadelphia PA
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  1. expedite request denied. still no update.
  2. Wow congrats. And to those who will apply for citizenship soon too goodluck. I have to wait 2 more years as I filed with divorce waiver
  3. Hello 2024. No updates yet on any of ya'll?
  4. Nice to see that the docs tab have stuff in them now too. And yeah just one part like part7.tif is the only evidence I see. Wish all these be over soon.
  5. Same, I had those USCIS notices tabs show up on my previous IOE petitions (EAD/AP) but doesnt show up on my i751
  6. Correct me if I am wrong but I think the IOEs for i-751 only started for March 2023 filers? unless there were Feb 2023 filers who got IOE too. Most Feb filers for i751 got the normal MSC, EAC, WAC, LIN prefixes. March 2023 are almost all IOEs.. Like I said, correct me if I am wrong.
  7. lesson here is: never ship out a package that MAY arrive on a weekend. preferably ship it on a Monday so even with a 2 day or 3 day, it will still arrive on a weekday. You ASSUMED a Friday delivery but of course, it can arrive after office hours or Saturday with unexpected delays. just saying.
  8. does anyone know why the USCIS Notices tab isn't showing on my account for my i751? It shows up on my i131 two years ago but not showing up on my i751. I never got the online access code as it was just automatically added to my uscis cases
  9. awww you're one of those unlucky ones that got the biometrics appt hehe
  10. i really dont know how they choose who to reuse biometrics and who to get biometrics again. im pretty sure the last time I did my biometrics was in 2017. haha. never did it again after all the EADs and APs and second AOS til i-751. all reused. and yeah my GC picture was even before I had my nose done and all. LOL
  11. I think if you're marriage is authentic/bona fide there's really nothing to be stressed about. Probably stressed on what kind of USCIS Officer handles your case. Some are super nice and easy and some just like to give people a hard time. Divorce waivers are stressful tho because they have higher chances of thinking your marriage isn't real. Burden of proof lies with you and what you send to convince them you entered the marriage because you love each other and not for the GC. Your stress is only valid if you're actually in a fake marriage. LOL
  12. Your i797 NOA that extends your green card after expiration date to another 48 months
  13. my bad. i did not see that. i just saw the one at the bottom. anyway, yeah if it's the only form on the USCIS website then it must be current.
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