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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. The person you've quoted hasn't been on the forum for months so isn't likely to see your questions. But if you've asked many lawyers and they all concur, then I'd go with that. Presumably your employer also has an immigration lawyer doing the EB2 for you, so I'd take their advice, although it's good that you checked with other lawyers too. Good luck.
  2. Every 60 days or so until you do get the IL. But lots don't get them, so don't worry if you don't or they skip a few.
  3. If you could fill in your timeline it would be appreciated - it makes it easier to help you, but also helps everybody else too as there aren't many of us EB applicants around, so the more timelines we have the better! As said above, where were you born? The current PD on the VB will vary depending on that.
  4. I must be missing something, why can't they just use their German passports to enter the US, even if they've travelled straight from China?
  5. +1. Ask that lawyer to put his advice in writing - bet he won't! 😂
  6. Time from DQ to IL varies hugely by consulate, most people on here will have had theirs by now but if yours is Islamabad then unfortunately it's one of the worst - 18-24 months wait or even longer. When was your parent DQ'ed?
  7. "Medical examination results from other physicians will not be accepted." https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Supplements/Supplements_by_Post/DBL-Dublin.html#Med_exam_instructions And from the NVC website "You (and each family member or “derivative applicant” applying for a visa with you) are required to schedule a medical appointment with an authorized physician in the country where you will be interviewed". https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-10-prepare-for-the-interview.html#:~:text=You (and each family member,to as the Panel Physician. HTH.
  8. You'll get info from the consulate on how to schedule the medical exam in your interview letter. There is no average for interview dates as it's very dependent on the consulate - some are only a couple of months after being DQ'ed, others are a couple of years. So it will depend on which consulate your mother will interview at, you can look at threads in the relevant forum for more info on how long it's taking there. Good luck.
  9. Ah, ok. Probably won't help then unfortunately, but if your husband doesn't have his visa by then it would be with getting everything ready and applying as soon as you're eligible to. Good luck.
  10. But if they're already USC's then they're not immigrating - only you are. So amend that to 'no' and hopefully you should be good to go. Good luck.
  11. It will depend on the category and your country of birth - assuming you're a 'normal' EB3 (not 'other workers') and were born in Canada, then yes, you'd be current. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-may-2024.html
  12. It means there's no visa available to you until your Priority Date is before that date. So, what is your Priority Date? It would be super helpful if you could fill in your timeline on your profile.
  13. It will take longer for Montreal. Have a read of the thread above, lots of timelines in there. This is the most recent post (March) from somebody that was given an IL to give you an idea - Good luck.
  14. Sounds like you completed the DS-260 wrongly, what did you put in the 'is this child immigrating to the US with you' question? And what was wrong with the police checks, were they in accordance with the below? https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/australia.html https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/NewZealand.html
  15. When are you eligible to apply for citizenship?
  16. The 10 years the I-130 has taken is good though, she may just scrape through under the CPSA, depending on when the I-130 is finally processed - they need to hope it's still a long way away from approval. Fingers crossed for them.
  17. How old is the child? 10 years is good, means they're at much less risk of aging out. I'm sure you already know this, but even if the I-130 is approved soon, they've still got a long wait ahead of them for a visa to become available. The I-130 is only the petition and first step. Assuming they're from the Philippines, then those that applied in August 2002 are only just now becoming eligible for visas - nearly a 22 year wait. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-may-2024.html
  18. Cases are transferred to balance out workload all the time, it may make things a bit quicker than if it had stayed in whichever service centre it was at but doubtful it will be by much. Does the son/daughter that is married have children? If so you want the I-130 to take as long as possible anyway.
  19. That's the date for filing i.e. submitting supporting documents to NVC and completing the DS-260. Those people still aren't eligible for a visa yet, until their PD is current on Table A. Either way it's still a long wait though, unfortunately it's not linear (F1 category has only moved 9 months in the past 3 years), so who knows how fast it will move in the future. I'd guess at maybe 5 years to go, but it really is just a guess. All you can do is check it occasionally and hope it moves faster - and don't get married! Good luck.
  20. Currently those who applied in July 2015 have just become eligible for visas, so 3 years ahead of you. But there's no way of knowing what the future wait is, all you can do is keep an eye on the Visa Bulletin and see how it's moving, once your PD is current then you'll be added to the queue for an interview. Good luck.
  21. Not sure why you're using the Boundless processing time rather than official ones, but presumably that's referring to the whole process i.e. getting the green card in hand? As there's no way it should take that long for just the visa. I'm not sure those would be reasons for an expedite, but you can certainly apply, it's worth a try. Good luck.
  22. Wasn't an issue for any of us. "Do I need to have my number before I start working? We don’t require you to have an SSN before you start work. However, the Internal Revenue Service requires employers to use your SSN to report your wages." Or point them to this page - https://www.ssa.gov/employer/hiring.htm
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