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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. How can you not remember at least what year you started your job? Can't you find it from tax returns or payslips or something like that? For your wife's name, again you just tell the truth. You put her surname now, then add her maiden name in when asked about any previous names.
  2. You can request your passport back if you need it to travel. There is no fixed time for AP, it just takes as long as it takes unfortunately. But if there is another driver for the same company who has also been put in to AP, the company docs are the only thing they asked for, and neither of you have any obvious reason for being in AP (i.e. links to a high risk country etc), it sounds like it's the company/job offer they're doing background checks on, rather than you specifically.
  3. If it was last updated on 13th May, then it seems that is when it was received by the consulate - so I'd give it another week before chasing them. Good luck.
  4. What does the online status say when you enter the receipt number? That should tell you if the card is in production, or has been mailed and got lost. If you get to 90 days and they're still not received, you need to report it here - https://egov.uscis.gov/e-request/displayNDCForm.do?entryPoint=init&sroPageType=ndc
  5. The people that were invited in the last batch of interviews, are they from Rio? As that doesn't seem right for Paris, it's got a much shorter wait for an interview than Rio does. Or perhaps their PD's weren't current until recently?
  6. How much was your check for and when exactly did you submit the application?
  7. Personally I'd test her true intentions by saying you've decide you no longer want to live in the US and you'll move to her country instead after marriage. If she genuinely loves you and just wants to be with you, she'll be very happy with that. If she's not, then there is your answer……...
  8. If you scroll up you'll find the spreadsheet to find the most recent cases on. Please do fill in your timeline on your profile when you get a mo, thanks.
  9. Not that I know of, only timelines etc on VJ and other places. But that's not how it works anyway. This is worth reading to understand the whole process - https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Statistics/Immigrant-Statistics/Immigrant Visa Control System_operation of.pdf
  10. If your PD is 2019 then I wouldn’t worry about it yet. You’re still years away and none of can predict which consulates will have a backlog in the future.
  11. Then yes, if you have a reason that comes under one of the criteria ('medical or humanitarian emergency') you can apply for an expedite (with proof of your reason i.e. medical records & doctors letter). Edit: if you could fill in your timeline too that would be helpful. It's hard to advise without knowing which visa category you're talking about, if your PD is current, etc.
  12. Ah, Montreal is unfortunately a consulate with one of the biggest backlogs, it's at least 2 years I think - there's a thread for EB2 applicants that would be worth a look. https://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/787842-montreal-embassy-eb-2-interview-wait-time-part-2/page/138/#comments Your timeline section is on your profile, thanks for filling it in - there aren't many of us EB1 applicants around, so the more data we have the better. Good luck.
  13. Yes, you need a good reason. Which stage are you asking about? USCIS or consulate? Note that AP can't be expedited in any way, that takes as long as it takes.
  14. You can see the current visa availability date on the Visa Bulletin and keep an eye on it there - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-may-2024.html After that it will depend on the NVC processing times and how quick they are, and the wait time at the consulate she's applying at. Which consulate? And is she married?
  15. It's nothing to do with a consulate. But I'd hazard a guess that they'll get more useful info from those in the know on VJ than the USCIS helpline, so hopefully they'll give more info about what they're trying to do, and one of the forum pros can help them out.
  16. Ignore that completely on your account, it's notoriously inaccurate. Go with the official processing times or the VJ timelines, and then be pleasantly surprised if it's any quicker. If you have a genuine reason for an expedite (serious medical reasons etc), then you can find how to request that here - https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-guidance/expedite-requests Good luck.
  17. There is no way of speeding AP up, they couldn’t have done that - the only thing they could possibly have done is found out more info. Good luck, hope it’s not too much longer.
  18. Yes, me and a handful of others. The length of time for the IL will vary depending on the consulate. Could be a month, or 2 years, or anywhere in between. If you could fill in your timeline then that would be super helpful. Good luck.
  19. NVCAttorney@state.gov was the email address my IL came from. HTH.
  20. So yes, definitely current but you were only added to the queue for an interview recently, have you checked your spam folder to see if you have the 60 day letter there? I wouldn't worry if you don't have it though. Some people get them, some don't but they're only a generic email sent to stop people from enquiring repeatedly. As long as you keep checking your junk folder around the time you'll be expecting the interview letter, that's all that matters. As above, do please fill in your timeline when you get a mo, it would be really helpful, thanks. Good luck.
  21. It will just be the passport with visa in. Family applicants have their packets sent electronically.
  22. It’ll take many years for your wife to get a visa anyway though. So maybe you could submit the I-130 now with just her surname and then start the process of changing it whilst it’s all being processed. Or if she doesn’t want to change it then just keep it as it is - as you say she’ll just have ‘FNU’ in the first name space on her GC.
  23. Not a clue, sorry. But I'd assume so, most things like that are sent via email. FWIW, on the link above it says support docs aren't required for 2024 year, so that may be the same again. But it'll be made clear, you'll get instructions as you go along. Are you a low rank number for your country? If so, I'd start gathering documents on the assumption you will get an interview. Good luck.
  24. You wait for them to be requested. "After KCC receives and processes the DS-260 application form for you and your accompanying family members, you will receive instructions for how to submit required supporting documents" https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/diversity-visa-program-entry/diversity-visa-if-you-are-selected/diversity-visa-prepare-supporting-documents.html
  25. As above, ignore it completely - search the forums and you'll find the same advice over and over again. It's notoriously inaccurate. Go with the official processing times (https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/) or the VJ timelines and then be pleasantly surprised if it's shorter. Good luck.
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