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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. Then you're no longer eligible for a visa.
  2. Ah, ok. AP would be expected at Islamabad, particularly if you're male, it's just background checks. It can take months or even years, nothing to do but wait it out. Good luck.
  3. Yes, a job offer is absolutely required. I don't understand how the I-140 or labour cert have been approved if you don't have a job offer?
  4. No, after that. Mine changed to 'in transit' a couple of days after I received my IL, they don't send your file until the interview has been scheduled. It was then 'ready' about 2 days after that IIRC. Odd if your spouse is a USC though. Standard case, you haven't transferred from another consulate or anything like that? And the date on your DQ email is definitely 11th April?
  5. Which country are you resident in? You can’t just transfer unless you are living in the country, ‘consulate shopping’ isn’t permitted.
  6. Nothing you can do but wait I’m afraid. AP can take months or even longer, you’ll be asked to have a new medical done at some point. Please fill in your timeline so that we know your info, which consulate did you interview at?
  7. You were a transfer from another consulate though, so it will take a bit longer. @SourisMigratey, just checking but your spouse is a USC, not Green card holder? And your case won’t usually be transferred until after you have an IL, so don’t worry if it still says it’s at NVC. Normally it’s IL, then status changes to ‘in transit’, then finally ‘ready’.
  8. Congrats! Best way you can give back is to fill in your timeline please, to help other EB applicants. There aren’t many of us so we need all the data we can get. Thanks and good luck.
  9. Yes, it’ll all be on your medical record. You’ll need your Summary Care Record for the medical anyway, so maybe get that sooner rather than later so you know what extra vaccines you need to have. Also, please fill in your timeline, thanks.
  10. Absolutely fine - 3 of us had new passports by the time of our interview, wasn't an issue at all.
  11. Such a large gap is very unusual and would raise some suspicions anywhere in the world, but your case is coupled with applying via a high fraud consulate. How did you meet? How many times have you been together in person? And what evidence of a genuine relationship did you provide?
  12. If you no longer want to be part of the forums, then just stopping posting would do it. But as above, if somebody else has a question, best to ask them to sign up for their own account.
  13. Then why are you worrying??
  14. Mine did, it said 'in transit' and then 'ready'. But CEAC is pretty unreliable so I wouldn't worry.
  15. Ah, ok. Yes, no need to adjust status, she'll be a legal permanent resident ('green card holder') as soon as she arrives in the US on her visa. But she won't arrive with 'green card in hand' as she won't get that until after she enters the US. It might be worth reading up on the whole process on the DoS website which sets it out step by step so you can understand what both of your stepchildren need to do next (and what, in time, your stepdaughter will need to do for her child) - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-1-submit-a-petition/step-2-begin-nvc-processing.html If their petitions (I-130's) have been approved, they're now at step 2. Good luck.
  16. Depends on the reason. Why have you been banned and from which country?
  17. You said in your first post their petitions (I-130's) had been approved? So why would you need to file another one? Nobody has suggested she enters the US and then files the I-485, that would be immigration fraud. She has to apply for the visa in her home country via consular processing. Once she has that, she would enter the US and become a green card holder. She can then petition for her child, that will take several years (how long will depend on which country she's from - see @Crazy Cat's question above).
  18. That is odd then, you should have received your Welcome Letter by now. Have you asked USCIS 'ask Emma' for your case number? If you could fill in your timeline/profile it would be helpful so people know the background when you ask questions.
  19. And you're a citizen? Or green card holder?
  20. An employer has to verify both identity and the right to work via I-9, and SSN alone doesn't do that. https://www.uscis.gov/i-9
  21. Yes, exactly that. Can take up to 90 days from entry to the US for it to be produced. You'll then get tracking details too once it's been mailed. Her endorsed visa acts as a temporary green card for the first year, she doesn't need the physical card until that year has passed.
  22. Ok, so assuming she's a Philippines applicant, her PD isn't current yet, and there's no visa available to her - no interview will be scheduled until there is.
  23. If your case has been migrated, then you should have been given the case number when told about it?
  24. I think the OP was suggesting adopting the baby as well - no idea if that's feasible or not though.
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