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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. I moved with a job (transfer with current employer) and full expat package. But most US employers won't consider you without you being in the country, even if you do have PR. What do you do and whereabouts are you moving to? A lot of people have put job hiring on hold until the election, so it may improve after that. It's surprised me how expensive life in the US is, so even if you do find a job, bring a lot more savings than you think you'll need! Good luck.
  2. If you're working in the US, you are tax resident there, regardless of where you're paid. And you'll have to file a US tax return. Are you a Canadian citizen?
  3. Ignore the online processing time, it's notoriously inaccurate. I-130's are about 14 months, so you should hear early next year. Then the processing time for the next step will depend on which consulate she'll be applying via. Good luck.
  4. Which consulate? Sounds like you’re just waiting in line for an interview. Some consulates have very lengthy waits.
  5. Congrats! Please do fill in your timeline to help other EB applicants that follow on behind you. @Jumboeggs, ditto! Thanks.
  6. Yes, of course, lots of people apply for visas from overseas. But you should also have it on your online account. Good luck.
  7. You can't put your own UK address, but you can select the London consulate. Follow the guide that goes along with the form when filling it in - https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-131instr.pdf https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/guides/B5en.pdf Good luck.
  8. Yes, although as @pushbrk says each consulate has very different wait times for an interview. So it can vary between 18 months, to 3+ years, or anywhere in between.
  9. Not necessarily, as PD’s often regress and the email will be sent automatically.
  10. Just follow the instructions in the letter. It’s all laid out step by step on the NVC website. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-1-submit-a-petition/step-2-begin-nvc-processing.html I assume the PD isn’t current yet, so there’s still no visa available if that is the case. But you can start the process at least. And hopefully you’ll hear back soon about the category change. Good luck.
  11. Perfectly normal. It’s about 13-14 months for I-130’s to be approved so you’re still well within that time. Hopefully you’ll hear something early next year. Good luck.
  12. Your husband can't move on a B2 visa. Entering as a visitor if you intend to adjust status and stay is immigration fraud. Your only option would be to petition him for a spouse visa. Good luck.
  13. Yes, that's perfectly normal. If you're at a consulate with long waits for an interview you'll get one every 60 days or so.
  14. You don't have to travel to Kenya, if meeting in a third country might be cheaper? I've no idea if it would though. Unfortunately, it's probably a necessary investment. It'll cost far more in money, stress and time if you have a refusal and have to reapply another couple of years down the line. Best of luck.
  15. It doesn't say so on the country specific guidelines, but have you checked the link to the Qatari authority given in them? That should tell you for sure.
  16. Details of how to apply from outside the country are on the country specific guidelines - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Qatar.html
  17. Well, you don't have to be together in person to be married. Plenty of people on VJ do Utah Zoom marriages. But if you're marrying in person, I would certainly try for at least another visit or two as well. Good luck.
  18. I'd think having never met would be a bigger red flag. You'll obviously need to meet in person before applying anyway, but for a high fraud consulate I'd personally recommend a lot more time together first, across several visits. Best of luck.
  19. Has he paid the green card fee?
  20. 1st October, not 3rd, the Fiscal Year runs 1st October to 30th September each year.
  21. Other consulates are issuing visas now that the new FY has started, I'd assume Montreal will be too - check your status and when it changes to 'issued' you know the visa is printed and will been on it's way soon. Good luck.
  22. If you only applied in 2019 then there's at least 15 years until there's a visa available to him anyway, and essentially USCIS doesn't rush the I-130's for case where there is no visa anyway. So it doesn't really matter how long the I-130 takes, although if he's got kids (or may have them at some point in the next 15 years) you want it to take as long as possible. At some point the I-130 will get approved, but then there's nothing to do but wait until he can actually start the visa application process. Good luck. There's no difference if he's married or not, there's only one category (F4) for siblings.
  23. They seem to be trying to make it all much more scary than it needs to be, in the hope that you'll use them for the whole K-1/AOS/ROC process (each of which are lengthy and expensive - but not complicated!). There is a rule about not reapplying for another K-1 within 2 years if the first one was approved and the marriage doesn't happen. But if it's denied then there's no such rule and you'd be free to reapply again immediately.
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