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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. Your employer will provide the lawyer. It's job hunting that you'll need to focus on, if an employer is prepared to sponsor you then there will be a visa of some sort available to you. It may not be an EB immigrant visa, but even a temporary work visa would get you over there to wait whilst your F2B application wait trundles along in the background.
  2. Oh, I see, I thought you were 8 years in. Yes, at the very least, probably longer I'd guess. Them naturalising may make it slower, but you could marry, which is the big advantage in your situation.
  3. You were given this info when you last asked - Has your Dad overstayed since then? Or has he left and re-entered? Follow the VJ guide if you're unsure of anything - at the top of the page. Good luck.
  4. I wouldn't be worrying about photo size, the requirements may change between now and if/when you are selected anyway. You'll be given instructions at the time if it gets to that point. What happened with your court case?
  5. Not necessarily, but that is an option. As I said above, I just don't think I could live in a country that made me feel so unwelcome. Talk of immigrants tainting 'the blood' of America, calling them 'vermin', rounding them up to 'get them out', and now even saying that the 'enemy from within' needs to be removed, if enough people vote for somebody that talks like that then that would worry me. My first degree was in History, my thesis was on Mein Kampf and this is completely echoing that. I just can't understand how anybody could think that's ok. Trump is saying that the US is now an 'occupied country', it's always been a country built on migration but unlike him I don't think that's a bad thing. Despite living in a supposedly tolerant area, being white, and having a green card, that's not a rhetoric I want to stick around for. As @Bunninuts said, the current political climate isn't great for anybody migrating here at the moment. So I'll take my tax dollars and skills (which would be needed less under Donald Trump anyway - I work in energy so another reason to leave!), and go elsewhere. I really feel for the OP, it's such a tough time at the moment for anybody remotely different, particularly in certain states. I just hope their relatives stop being swayed by the anti-immigrant talk, and hope that most of the American people don't share that view.
  6. You’ve only just arrived. Give it time! I’ve been speaking to people with no worries for the past 18 months, it’s only recently that the anti-immigrant hate stirred up by Trump has become evident here. And no, not just illegal immigrants. He’s made it very clear that his intention is to get rid of legal migrants too. I’m not paying any attention to the media, I don’t watch the news here as it’s all so horribly one sided. I’m paying attention to his own words which are sounding more and more Hitler-esque by the day. But all I can do is wait and see what happens in 3 weeks. I won’t be staying if he does get in, I’d feel even less safe/secure then and won’t stay where I’m not wanted.
  7. Could your parent not naturalise for your sake? EB2 or 3 is going to be another 5+ years, probably longer unless you find a sponsoring employer/job offer straight away. You say above you’re 8 years in to your F2B wait? So presumably have done the NVC side of things and it’s not too long until you’ll be eligible for a visa? So that may end up being a lot quicker, and a similar wait for your gf if you marry once you have a GC.
  8. Really sorry to hear this. Have you spoken to them about this? If your family member and friend aren't supporting your choice or relationship, I'd be having a serious talk with them and explaining the impact their judgement has on you. They need to understand that it's your choice, that you're happy, and that if they truly loved you, they'd support you no matter what country your spouse is from. If they aren't prepared to do that, I wouldn't want them in my life personally. It is really tricky at the moment, even as a 'safe' immigrant (white and with a green card) I certainly feel very unwelcome thanks to Trump and his anti-immigrant rhetoric. I avoid speaking to people when I'm out now so that they don't pick up on my accent. If he wins, we're out of here, most other immigrants we know have said the same thing. I just wouldn't feel safe staying which is awful.
  9. Oh yes, stick with Canada then. Much longer in Lagos. See the link I gave you above which tells you what's needed. Not sure where you're seeing 'financial forms and supporting documents'? For EB1 you don't have a financial sponsor.
  10. There isn't an address, but it should have said something like 'Submit financial and supporting documents in one package to NVC. NVC's mailing address can be found at https://nvc.state.gov/mail.' The documents needed are all set out on the NVC website - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-5-collect-financial-evidence-and-other-supporting-documents/step-7-collect-civil-documents.html Also make sure you check the country specific documents list too. Where do you live? You can only transfer somewhere else if you're resident there.
  11. Ah. So employment based visas are out. Investment based if he has the cash for an EB-5? If not, then marriage is probably their only option. It would be much quicker for her to petition a spouse as a citizen, rather than a green card holder, but looks like she's still 3 years off being able to apply to naturalize.
  12. If they get married, she can petition him for an immigrant visa. It’ll take many years. If not, then he’ll need to qualify for a visa in his own right. What does he do for a job?
  13. You have to mail them, EB applicants can't upload. Your welcome email should have had details on submitting them, and a cover sheet that you need to print out and put on the top of your package? And it's about a year for an interview in Montreal once you're DQ'ed. Good luck.
  14. Unfortunately that's not correct, AP can take a lot longer than 6 months, it just means the medical has to be redone. I don't think it'll be an issue for @AndrewsN though, sounds like he just needed to wait for the new FY, and his visa will hopefully be issued very soon.
  15. Anybody that interviewed after 9th Sept will have had the same thing, as the quota had been met for EB-2 visas, so none could be issued until after the new Fiscal Year on 1st Oct.
  16. Unless processing times slip further, it's likely to be 18 months rather than 2 years via Vienna. And your wife can visit in the interim, you wouldn't be apart. Plus of course, if DCF is refused and you don't want to leave Austria, you could give up the job offer and not move until your wife has her visa. All consulates can do DCF, so Vienna can, but it is at their discretion.
  17. Whether you were in school or not it doesn't prove your mother was with you. Medical records for her (not you) would be helpful if they show ongoing care for something. Again, something that was just one day i.e. a one off treatment, isn't helpful as it only shows she was there for that specific day. You said she was there until 2011? So what can she get from the 2000's? Get as much as you can, and the FOIA, and hopefully that with the tax records will be enough. Good luck.
  18. My son has been vaccinated at school without me there. It doesn't show it was your mother that was with you. Baptism photos only prove she was in the US for that one day so really doesn't help either. Income tax records of 7 years should be good though as long as it shows US employers and place of employment? Does she have bank statements from back then (or could she get them)? An old lease? Insurance records?
  19. They don't show immigrant visa wait times anywhere. By the time you're at that point (if you're going to meet in person at least 2-3 times before filing) it will have changed quite a bit anyway. But figure about 2 years from when you file for the spouse visa overall as a rough guide for the whole process. Best of luck.
  20. Your vaccines or baptism aren't any good as they don't prove her presence and that's what you need to focus on. W2's are helpful, how many years of those do you have?
  21. There is a humanitarian parole process, but your son is in a safe place now so don't see how it would be granted. He can try, worth a shot. And I would definitely keep an eye on the election and see who gets in and what changes they make. If it's Trump he's made it very clear there will be no chance, but if Harris gets in then there's a chance Lebanon will become eligible for the TPS program or similar. But I think realistically your only options are the re-entry permit for you or your wife, or for your son to get a job somewhere to contribute to the costs once he's settled somewhere. He's probably still a decade away from a visa, so neither are going to be long term solutions really, but they might just help until he can hopefully return home. Best of luck.
  22. ESTA isn't relevant then, Ethiopia isn't an eligible country. She'll have to apply for a tourist visa if she wants to visit. Unless your wife is very newly pregnant, her mother isn't likely to get there before the end of the pregnancy though (even if she is granted a visa). Wait time for an interview is about 6 months. Good luck.
  23. No. It's the re-entry permit I mentioned above, so you can go back to the US and file it to allow you to stay outside of the US for longer without risking your LPR status. But it's not relevant to your son.
  24. I know we've discussed the options above, but just wanted to say I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this.
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