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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. Are you resident in Bangladesh? It makes sense to request that consulate if you are.
  2. You've posted this in the spouse visa section, I'll ask a kind mod to move it for you. There's a long thread for EB applicants and I'm pretty sure there is somebody from KL on there - I think it was about a 6 month wait for an IL, but could well be wrong on that. Is your PD current? Please fill in your timeline, thanks.
  3. No, that’s not true at all. He’ll end up being a dual citizen of both countries, just as you are. You’ll need to sponsor him for a spouse visa, start here - https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/family-sponsorship/spouse-partner-children.html Good luck.
  4. Her father isn't relevant to you passing on citizenship, only the time that you have spent in the US is. But it that wasn't enough, then you're right and she's not a USC already.
  5. I think Boiler was asking if your daughter isn't already a USC - but I assume you didn't spend the required time in the US for her to be a USC too?
  6. If it's issued then it means the visa has been printed and is in your passport. And yes, it can stay refused whilst in Admin Processing, and that can then go to denied. You can ask for your passport back at any point if you need it.
  7. I had a USCIS account, it was utterly pointless though. I really wouldn't worry about it, particularly as you've passed the USCIS stage now anyway. And why do you think you need a lawyer? It is dead easy, nowhere near as complex as the petition, and you can ask here if anything isn't sure. Your call of course but I wouldn't say it's needed unless you have complicated circumstances.
  8. Nobody is attacking you, you're taking it personally for no reason. But it's very relevant to your waiver, which is why people keep mentioning it to you.
  9. Your posts are coming across as very aggressive to people who are just trying to help. All I said is that flights were leaving in 2020 so the pandemic wouldn't be a valid reason for overstaying that long. There's nothing you can do but wait and see what happens. What document was requested on the 221g?
  10. There was no reason you couldn't leave in 2020, so don't say that in your waiver application. I agree with the above, you were misinformed. Sounds like you need a waiver, so it's just a case of waiting for that to be requested and then getting it started. You can request your passport back at any time. Good luck.
  11. Lagos has one of the worst backlogs unfortunately.
  12. How about Mexico? He can fly there direct from Istanbul.
  13. As I said above, if he tries to apply for a student visa there's a very high chance it will be denied, which then means he's not likely to be able to travel on ESTA/VWP for quite some time either. So if he wants to be able to continue to travel to visit her, I wouldn't risk it personally. I think they just need to forget it for a while, until they are ready to get married. They can keep visiting each other until that point, and then when they're ready get married and your boss can petition him for an immigrant visa. Maybe by then she'll be nearer citizenship so it'll be quicker too.
  14. Just to confirm, you're planning on a few visits together before one to get married? He can fly from other places, there are direct flights to the Caribbean from the UK or various European countries.
  15. I've not actually had any experiences like that in Boston, people here are thankfully much more welcoming. But I work elsewhere, all over the country including in Trump supporting areas, and that's where I've mainly seen it. Most recently I was told to '**** off back to where I came from' in Oklahoma City after somebody asked me for directions and I told them I had no idea as I was from England. Gosh, I wonder why I feel unwelcome?? 😂
  16. It's not BS, and I'd appreciate you not belittling my feelings like that. A year ago I had no issues at all being an immigrant in the US, but it's very different now. The whole culture towards migrants has changed IME, regardless of where we're from or how we got here. His first term hugely restricted legal migration. And he's recently said he'll do the same again, it is not just illegals he's targeting. So even with a green card, I wouldn't feel my status is secure here.
  17. Are you the petitioner or beneficiary?
  18. OK, so about the same as the quick consulates. That's good news, means the backlog must have been cleared and CJ is no longer a super slow consulate! Hope it goes well for your mother, good luck.
  19. They could enter last year as well. Chances are pretty much negligible, in fact results from last year show that nobody from the UK was selected at all last year. But you may as well enter and give it a try! What do you mean you've never been allowed to apply for a work visa? Being British doesn't preclude that? Good luck.
  20. He can try, him being from France helps, but not sure it would be enough to overcome him being retired and having a US based gf. Roughly how old is he? When you say retired I'm picturing somebody in his 60's, but of course he could have retired at 25! But he can apply, just bear in mind that if it's refused then he'll have to redo his ESTA and declare the visa denial, which will likely take away the option of the VWP for a while too. It may be easier to just go straight to marriage and an IV application if they're sure they want to get married - might be worth suggesting your boss signs up to VJ herself to get info on all options.
  21. Expedited? That's far quicker than even the quickest consulates like London, Dublin, Frankfurt etc, and most recent threads show a year or so for an interview at CJ!
  22. Ugh, so awful. I'm so sorry that you have somebody in your family like that, but perhaps your fiancé will be the person to turn that view around - I really hope so. Let's hope that in November people can come together no matter what side of the political spectrum they're on, and all of this will start to ebb away.
  23. Which consulate? And which visa - your profile says E-3 (temp work visa for Australians), is that right?
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