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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. What exactly have you applied for? Do you mean an EB2 NIW? If so, you're still well within processing times so nothing to chase yet - it's about 15 months before you can submit questions about it usually (assuming you didn't apply using Premium Processing of course). If you can clarify then somebody can try and help - please also fill in your timeline, thx.
  2. Ignore the MyProgress thing completely, it's not reliable. If she submitted in July 2024 then you should hear next summer sometime. Good luck.
  3. Have you already registered your appointment? As @powerpuff said, you do have to. So if you haven’t, that could be the reason for it - but if you’re unsure just use the official link to do so rather than any from the email.
  4. Ah, if you’re military that makes sense now. So no tax return has ever been due anyway then - you arrived part way through the 2024 tax year and the return for that won’t be due until next spring.
  5. If you only arrived in February then are you sure you meet the requirements for naturalization?
  6. Ours weren’t taken at POE last year - presumably because they already had taken them at our interview. GC takes up to 90 days so there isn’t any delay yet. Ours took 6 weeks which seems fairly standard.
  7. OK. But I assume she’s a US citizen? And you’re F3 category? So you’re still many years away from being able to get a visa. But when the time comes you’ll add the children as dependents on your DS-260. Good luck.
  8. More info is needed to help you. Whose I-130? Yours or your child’s? Who is the petitioner?
  9. I suspect it's just too early, as it's only been 26 days since a visa number became available to you. And Ghana isn't the quickest consulate for interviews. Hopefully it won't take too long though, good luck.
  10. Exactly which years program did you get selected under - 2024 or 2025?
  11. No set processing time, it varies hugely. As said above, the longer it takes, the less chance any child beneficiaries age out.
  12. Any immigrant visa.
  13. They're two completely separate applications, so not linked in any way - it doesn't matter which order you do them in. Good luck.
  14. It would depend on the religion. There's a forum for waivers, might be worth having a search in that.
  15. You’re a LPR the moment you arrive, once your visa is endorsed that acts as a temporary green card for a year until your plastic one turns up.
  16. appleblossom


    Sorry to say, but I can't see any way that a nurse would qualify for EB1A, unless there's something particularly unusual about them? EB1A applicants need to have "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim, and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation." Here's the requirements, you'd need at least 3 out of the 10 (but our lawyers told us 5 out of 10 to be safe, in case USCIS disagreed with 1 or 2) - "In order to demonstrate you have sustained national or international acclaim and that your achievements have been recognized in your field of expertise, you must either include evidence of a one-time achievement (major internationally-recognized award) or 3 of the 10 listed criteria below (or comparable evidence if any of the criteria do not readily apply): Evidence of receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence Evidence of your membership in associations in the field which demand outstanding achievement of their members Evidence of published material about you in professional or major trade publications or other major media Evidence that you have been asked to judge the work of others, either individually or on a panel Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance to the field Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in professional or major trade publications or other major media Evidence that your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases Evidence of your performance of a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations Evidence that you command a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field Evidence of your commercial successes in the performing arts" Nurses normally are EB3, so that may be an option though?
  17. No probs. Yours should be pretty speedy, EB1 is about as quick as it gets - I actually felt really guilty knowing that I had my green card so quickly, especially compared to family members/spouses who have to wait MUCH longer! Good luck.
  18. You can look at my timeline if it helps - mine was 5 months from sending the I-140 to having the immigrant visa in hand. @HillB, please fill in your timeline to help other EB applicants that follow you! Thanks.
  19. It's not whether they asked about marriage, it's whether you said at any point you'd be returning home. Did they ask you about your intentions for how long your stay would be, or leaving?
  20. Not sure I'd take the risk of AOS personally given the situation. Were you questioned on entry about the reason for your visit? Did they ask you at any point about any intention of staying? This recent thread may be worth reading -
  21. Is your brother a citizen or green card holder?
  22. Oh blimey. Too late now, but don't ever give anybody your case number unless they're a licensed immigration professional you have a signed contract with!
  23. No, it's not just for initial moves. And I meant a US re-entry permit. I used to do that for a job, and would never rely on what OHIP representatives have said, as they are usually reading off a script and often wrong. Personally I'd get travel insurance from the US just in case healthcare in Canada was needed after becoming a LPR in the US, but it's up to each person to make a decision. I was just sharing what the law says.
  24. What information do you think he has? He shouldn't have anything other than your name?
  25. It depends on the visa, what are you applying for and what stage of the application are you at?
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