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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. It depends on the Field Office, you can check processing times here though - https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/
  2. Was that on the 'MyUSCIS' account thingy? That's horribly unreliable unfortunately, it was about a year back then. Now it's 14-15 months so it has gone up a bit. But as you're in the US and didn't misrepresent yourself at the POE, you're fine to do AOS if that's what you prefer. Depends on where you want to wait the rest of the process out and if what you have in Canada that you need to be able to visit I guess (i.e. if you had kids in Canada you may not want to do AOS and risk not being able to leave the US). Good luck. True, although at least that's much quicker these days. Something is at least. 😂
  3. Depends on what you'd prefer really then. If you don't want to be stuck in the US then apply via consular processing and go back to Canada whenever your visit is up for your interview/medical. Or you can apply via AOS in the US if you're happy to not work and not be able to leave for a while. Good luck.
  4. Ah, sorry, my misunderstanding. I thought s/he was in Canada.
  5. Are you sure? If you applied for AOS the whole package would normally have been filed alongside the I-130. The problem you now have is that it's illegal to enter the US as a visitor if your actual intention is to try and stay, which would obviously be the case if you went back now to apply for AOS.
  6. When you say you entered as a visitor, are you Canadian? If you are, then yes, you can do consular processing, and that would be the right way to do it if you're outside the US now.
  7. I just wondered if you’d applied for them back when you became a citizen or when you petitioned your parents. It’ll be quicker if your parents petition then but you might want to as well - awful to think about I know but just in case your parents aren’t around. And yes, separate petitions. As above, your eldest sibling may age out but all you can do is wait and see. Good luck.
  8. If you are resident in Saudi then you can request a consular transfer. Why has it taken you so long to get DQ'ed when your PD has been current for many years?
  9. I would suggest that if they have the funds to pay for four lots of I-130 fees, ideally both of them should - just in case something happens to one of them, so you have a back up. They can get joint sponsors if they don't qualify financially. Have you petitioned for your siblings as well?
  10. Ah, I didn't realise they'd only just arrived. You can track the green card by putting the receipt number from when they paid the GC fee in to here - https://egov.uscis.gov But as @milimelo has said, their endorsed visas act as temporary green cards for a year anyway so they don't need the physical card yet. They should file I-130's for the children asap, there's a chance the older one will age out in to F2B category which will add many more years on to his/her wait. Good luck.
  11. It's exactly the same process as when you filed for them. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-1-submit-a-petition.html But will just take much longer as they're green card holders and so the children aren't immediate relatives of citizens. When can your parents apply for citizenship?
  12. Afraid I have no idea, I don't understand why you were interviewed in November tbh. Normally any DV applications that haven't had a visa issued by 30th September are dead in the water.
  13. The election is over now - naturalisation applications are no longer a priority. One month was super quick even with cases being sped up, but you can check processing times here to give you an idea of how long it's likely to take now. https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/ Good luck.
  14. Yes, you need to leave section 1 empty if you're filing a motion rather than an appeal. And presumably should have been 2C rather than 2B? But hard to know for sure without knowing details, I'm not sure what you're filing for. Good luck.
  15. Normal timeline is up to 90 days, there's no way to expedite it but no need to either, their stamped visas act as green cards for a year anyway, as said above. When did your parents actually enter the US?
  16. The date you received your green card isn't relevant. As you were advised back in 2019 it's the marriage length at the date of entry (i.e. the day you become a LPR) that matters. Lots of people delay their entries in to the US for that very reason. You needed to submit a I-90 and then remove conditions. As suggested by others, I'd get it sorted asap before your naturalisation interview. Good luck.
  17. P.S. For the immigrant classification, here is the list. I'm not sure what you're filing for but hopefully it helps if you do refile the I-290B. https://ohss.dhs.gov/topics/immigration/lawful-permanent-residents/immigrant-classes-admission
  18. No, 2C is for a motion to reopen and a motion to reconsider, not for a motion and an appeal. Section 1 is for appeals, section 2 is for motions, you've selected one from each so they don't know what you're asking for - and as the instructions say, will result in a rejection. I'm really sorry but this isn't USCIS's error from what you've said. Don't give up, it's absolutely fixable but I agree with the above, I think I'd get a lawyer to check it all over and see if filing another correct I-290B is the right thing to do, or if there was an error with your first filing so you need to resubmit that instead. Best of luck.
  19. That's why it's been rejected. You should have filled out either 1 (for an appeal) or 2 (for a motion), not both. As it says at the top of that section: "Please indicate whether you are filing an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) or a motion. You cannot file both an appeal and a motion on a single form. If you select both an appeal and a motion, we may dismiss or reject your filing."
  20. No, Part 2 - which is the ‘Information About The Appeal or Motion’ section they have said is incomplete. As above, if you can provide a redacted version then people can help work out where the error is.
  21. There is, I think they mean Part 2. Which boxes did you complete in that section?
  22. Seems you were issued a 10 year GC in error then. Not sure why the lawyer thinks that isn't an issue?
  23. 7 months. https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/ I don't think there's any way to look it up, do you have a copy or scan of it?
  24. What do you mean he was 'on F2A category'? You mean that was how he got his green card? But you married after he got it? How long had you been married for when you got your green card?
  25. They shouldn't have any issues in Delhi, the airline just need to check they have valid documents to travel to the US, which they do. It's the other end where they'll probably be questioned. Have they been filing US tax returns each year? Make sure they take evidence of that if so, and proof of any ties to the US i.e. if they've maintained an address there etc.
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