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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. It’s standard. When you get your IL it’ll have the checklist, but also make sure you check the usual NVC website carefully including the country specific documents list for your consulate. Good luck.
  2. If you didn't intend to stay then why was your wife applying for jobs in the US? If you only applied in June then you're at least 18 months away from a visa, so seems strange that she would job hunt so early on in the process? That coupled with you no longer having a job may be a red flag for USCIS.
  3. Sorry to hear that, but at least it's a step forward. But why was she interviewing in London if she was only on a visitor visa in the UK? That complicated things unnecessarily unfortunately.
  4. OK so you need to contact them and point that out. Good luck.
  5. So just to confirm, she's also completed everything at NVC as well (submitted the DS-260, paid her fees, submitted civil docs) but hasn't heard anything since?? When was that? What does her online status say?
  6. Says August this year, so should still be F2A by my very rough calculations.
  7. It doesn't usually change until after you receive the IL - it may show as 'in transit' before it says it's at the consulate too. My IL came before my status changed (not Montreal though, although also EB).
  8. On your profile. It would be hugely appreciated if you could take 5 mins to do it - pay it forward and help those who follow, the more data we have the better for all forum users. It also means that when you ask a question people know which visa route and which consulate you're asking about, so it's easier for you to receive answers. Thank you!
  9. But what kind of visa are you applying for? If it's spousal then those documents aren't usually needed so it looks like they're doing extra background checks. If it's a visa where you're a dependent on your parents visa application and those documents were to be expected then that's different.
  10. Just to set expectations for @Sah006, it's usually a short processing time if it's just a missing original doc that they've already seen via CEAC or something like that. But if it's 'proper' admin processing with more detailed background checks it can take a lot longer, even a year or more. It's not clear which visa route @Sah006 is going down (please do fill in your timelines people!), so not sure if the documents relating to his/her family members are for extra background checks though, or just documents that should have been provided and were missing.
  11. "A few months" seems to say she doesn't have a job - which may reduce her chances. It's the same process as you did with your Dad. Was his visa granted? If so and he has has abided by the terms of his visa, that will help your sister.
  12. Well it's not like you can put any other address! Why would there be an issue though, if you're permitted to do it in your own home then that's fine.
  13. Yes, then of course, just put the actual address you did get married at.
  14. Are you asking about this for a visa application? If so, which one?
  15. It seems the OP has already tried that judging from their other thread, and it was refused unfortunately. Not sure if they've tried requesting an expedite though.
  16. True, maybe I'm just looking at it from a mother's point of view! I would want to be the one to go personally rather than stay without my very young son in a new country.
  17. Have you already tried for an expedite? If so, and it's been refused, then personally I'd suggest your wife applies for a re-entry permit so she can at least be with her son whilst you wait. And you can then try for another expedite with NVC when the I-130 is approved too. Best of luck to you.
  18. As per Family's post and your previous thread, that's only if the child was born after your wife's visa was issued.
  19. No he doesn't! Get that application in asap. I think you're worrying unnecessarily personally, best of luck.
  20. There was, but it's water under the bridge now. The embassy doesn't have anything to do with your son's case yet, it's still at USCIS, so it's them you need to contact to ask for an expedite now. Good luck.
  21. If they say they're aware of the problem and working on it then there's not a lot you can do other than wait for them to sort it really. But have you tried other browsers? And clearing your cache? That may help, good luck.
  22. Montreal used to be a LOT longer than 6 months to give an appointment! It was a year plus but has sped up hugely recently. It's not done on the date you applied though, you can see the current wait time/scheduling on this page - https://ca.usembassy.gov/immigrant-visa-process/ Good luck.
  23. No, because they want to see originals at the interview stage anyway. If you only submitted the doc a week ago then they just need time to get to it and look at it. If your case was updated on 15th December then that is a good sign, that's probably when they received it. Best of luck.
  24. The tax returns make sense now. But not the police certs, that should have been supplied as per the link I gave you above. They’re required for all immigrant visa applicants, no matter what category.
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