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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. Do the NVC enquiry form, not email. And use the Montreal specific phone numbers. Good luck!
  2. OK. You said above you hadn’t contacted them! Definitely phone them if you haven’t done that already, and also submit a NVC enquiry (via the official form, not email). You could also try tweeting them, and any other email address you can find - at this point I’d just bombard them with emails/calls until somebody responds! And try this if you haven’t already too - https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-CA/iv/information/contact_us If you still haven’t had any luck by the end of January, I’d look at filing the WOM. There’s a guide on the forum for filing it yourself which you can hunt for. It’s only 3-4 months for immediate relatives, so you should have had your visas a long time ago. https://ca.usembassy.gov/immigrant-visa-process/
  3. How did he submit his I-485 in January 2022 when the category wasn’t current? Is that a typo? Just checking he’s been in status throughout the process? What visa has he been on?
  4. Yes, there is, last year the cap was met in August so then no further visas could be issued until the new fiscal year.
  5. That makes no difference. All EB applicants are the same tier for interview scheduling - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/visas-news-archive/immigrant-visa-prioritization.html
  6. Oh. Well if you haven’t contacted the consulate then forget the WOM, I assumed you’d already done that several times without any result. I did give you their contact info 6 months ago. You need to contact the consulate, they have probably just forgotten all about you but you should have had a rescheduled interview early this year (or last year, depending on when you’re reading this!). So you need to contact them asap, your medicals have presumably expired now too? https://ca.usembassy.gov/u-s-montreal-consulate/ And I’d also contact NVC in case that helps as well. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html Good luck.
  7. So do as I suggested above - submit another form for the other parent. Good luck.
  8. Is the status the same for each of them, both still just saying payment received? Your parents need to call, not you - it’s their cases. But as I said above, I’d just do a form completion for the other parent, that may trigger things for both.
  9. That’s very kind but I’m not a mod! Just somebody who went through it myself last year. Congrats on the interview letter and a speedy process, and thank you for completing your timeline on the forum to help others too. Just to confirm you are resident in the UK, not France? It can cause delays if you interview in London when you aren’t UK resident so just checking!
  10. That’s very odd, it’s only a 3 month wait for immediate relative interviews at Montreal now so something isn’t right. What does your case status say? I’m wondering if perhaps you are in extended AP. If you’re not, and I assume you’ve contacted Montreal/ NVC numerous times to chase it up, so I think I’d be looking at filing a WOM.
  11. Who is the I-130 for? Or who petitioned you if it’s yours? And what is the Priority Date? If you could fill your timeline in it would be helpful.
  12. Thank you, that’s much clearer now. It’s very odd that neither of your parents have received their GC, did they enter at the same time? And the fee has definitely been paid twice? And they haven’t moved, they’re at the same address that was on the application? What I’d suggest is that you complete it again but for the other parent (as it sounds like you’ve only done it once)? So use the other parent's case number and try that. Good luck.
  13. I think you’re just expecting too much, too soon, if it’s only been 6 weeks or so with two major holidays in that time. Give it a while longer, and hopefully they’ll get back to you. Good luck.
  14. @EB5_lurker & @Saphrin, please do fill in your VJ timelines, in addition to the spreadsheet. It would be super helpful for all EB5 applicants if you can do so, thanks.
  15. I still can’t work it out as you haven’t replied to my (repeated) question about what you selected from the drop down menu on that form. But if you used the wrong person’s details on the form (which is what it sounds like), then you can fill it in using the right ones now rather than waiting, as it’ll be a new enquiry.
  16. I didn’t mean the status check, I meant did you put it in the form I linked to above, to report the card not being received? Calling and emailing isn’t what you need to do. The form linked to above (here again for reference - https://egov.uscis.gov/e-request/displayNDCForm.do?sroPageType=ndc&entryPoint=init) is what you need to complete. I’m sorry to ask again but it’s really not clear, have you filled that form in?? And if so, what did you select from the drop down box?
  17. Right, I’m still none the wiser. So you filled the form in, and they’ve responded and told you that your enquiry isn’t releated to the case? So my question was, what did you select from the drop down box and did you put the receipt number in? It sounds like you’ve filled that form in incorrectly, just trying to help you figure out what has gone wrong.
  18. I gave you the form you need to fill in above, have you done that or not?
  19. Once you get to 90 days (not before - they’ll just tell you to wait), you need to fill this form in to chase it up - https://egov.uscis.gov/e-request/displayNDCForm.do?entryPoint=init&sroPageType=ndc
  20. Sounds like you’ve filled the form in incorrectly. Did you select OS155A from the drop down box, and put the receipt number from when you paid the fee in?
  21. Then you need to chase it up. https://egov.uscis.gov/e-request/displayNDCForm.do?entryPoint=init&sroPageType=ndc
  22. Depends on how old it is and when you visited - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-5-collect-financial-evidence-and-other-supporting-documents/step-7-collect-civil-documents.html Check on the country specific guidelines page for whichever country it is too. Good luck.
  23. Yes, just use the fee receipt number to track it on the USCIS site. It’ll tell you when it’s in production, when it’s been made, when it’s shipped etc - and you can then track it via USPS too.
  24. He wouldn't even have got a ban with such a short overstay would he? As you said it's the misrep that has scuppered his chances.
  25. No fee but their rate has always been worse when I've checked - I looked earlier today, I'd have got $130 less with them compared to Atlantic. But really any of those services are good, the OP should just get his parents to see who has the best rate at the time particularly if it's going to be a very large transfer. It's amazing how much even a tiny difference can make if you're moving large funds, I've been known to 'secure' a transfer and then cancel it as the rate has gone up and I'd suddenly get an extra few hundred dollars less than an hour later!
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