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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. OK, so you're not too far off, as it's currently Sept 2015 but the problem is that it hasn't moved for a long time (about two years IIRC). And it does say that category may retrogress in this month's bulletin, so it could go backwards. But fingers crossed you'll hear something next year (maybe, if the date moves after October). Then add on whatever the wait time is for an interview in Brazil (no idea on that, but a search should tell you). You're towards the end of the process so I wouldn't do what you've proposed in your first post as that's too risky and you don't want to jeopardise your application. Just wait it out in Brazil and I hope it won't be too long before it starts moving for you. Good luck.
  2. Congrats! If you go to the UK specific sub forum then you'll find various threads, this is the most recent one -
  3. Depends on your priority date, which is why I asked about it above. As for meetings etc, they're 'conducting business' which is permitted. Work is not.
  4. All of which he'll find out about when you move and need to be added to his health insurance anyway. Telling him now isn't as good as being honest with him from the start….but it's better than telling him after marriage which would be an appalling thing to do.
  5. Feb 2022?!? Oh good grief, that's appalling. You could have had your visa a year ago! I'd definitely be making a formal complaint, and tbh I'd just deal with everything yourself from here on in if they're that inept. It's about 3 months from DQ date to interview date via London at the moment for EB1 and CR1, don't know about EB3 but I'd assume it's similar. It's been just a few days short of 3 months for me (my interview is next Monday). So if you're DQ'ed in August then hopefully your interview will be around November time as a rough guide.
  6. Is your PD current? If it's not then it doesn't matter as much in the grand scheme of things, but if it is then that's a big delay for their misinformation!
  7. Not sure it's delayed? It's usually mid month or even later (June's wasn't released until 23rd May). This year release dates have been 13th Jan, 15th Feb, 13th April, etc so it could still be a few days off. Fingers crossed it does move though……..🤞
  8. Your lawyers are completely wrong. The welcome letter IS the instruction to proceed. And it would be far quick to just mail it all yourself rather than sending it to your lawyers and then waiting for them to forward it on. I have lawyers but they didn't mail any docs for me, I did it myself to save time. Tbh, it worries me that your lawyers are getting something so basic so wrong, and have cost you a month's delay already. I'd make a formal complaint if I were you, that's really bad.
  9. Congrats! Was your interview yesterday? That's super quick for it to be showing as issued already then, gives me hope (we're a week behind you). Keep us posted on when you get your passport back? Thank you.
  10. You have to mail your documents, EB applicants can't upload. The address to send them to should have been on your welcome letter, it's usually this one - DOS Visa 44132 Mercure Circle Sterling VA 20166
  11. It’s a blanket policy so doesn’t vary by consulate. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/News/visas-news/important-announcement-on-waivers-of-the-interview-requirement-for-certain-nonimmigrant-visas.html Mine was a first O-1.
  12. Also, for parking we parked here and it was great - just outside the congestion zone and a 10 minute walk from VM. https://maps.parkbee.net/?zoneNumber=18834&endTime=2023-07-10T22:00:00.000Z&startTime=2023-07-10T20:00:00.000Z
  13. Yes, they take photos when you arrive.
  14. But can you find anything that says it *is* allowed? They give specific examples of activity that is allowed, and management of a business isn't one of them. It does also say that work allowed "entails business activities other than the performance of skilled or unskilled labor", and it could be argued that doing a normal day's work from the US would count as 'skilled or unskilled labor'. I suspect it's deliberately kept quite vague so they can have the largest amount of latitude but if it's not one of the activities specifically mentioned as being permitted, I wouldn't risk it personally.
  15. You can update it - just copy and paste it before editing. Good luck, hope it doesn't take too long for your PD to become current. Congrats.
  16. Certain work related activities are permitted on a B visa - things like attending meetings, or a conference etc are fine. What you can't do is just do your normal daily job from the US without work authorisation, and it sounds as though that's what you've been doing. Perhaps you've been lucky so far and the officers have just assumed you meant you were doing something that is permitted and haven't delved too deeply. But I wouldn't risk it again if you've got an immigrant visa application underway. What's your Priority Date?
  17. Are you sure you’ll need a interview? Obviously you won’t know until you apply but I’d have thought you’d qualify for the interview waiver. My O-1 interview was waived earlier this year (London).
  18. 2015 is correct, but 2017 is the filing date - so people with a PD before this date will be asked to submit documents to NVC etc. They just can’t get a visa until their PD is after the date in Table A, so no interview will happen until then. So for your brother he’s got at least another 5 years of waiting, but he’ll be asked to submit documents before that. Note that, as it says in the VB, that date may go backwards (retrogress) for your brothers category soon too so don’t be surprised if it does.
  19. As above, a lawyer can’t do anything. No way to expedite when a visa number isn’t available anyway. As for not knowing how much longer he has to wait, it will be many years, but all you can do is keep an eye on the Visa Bulletin and hope it moves forward. Nobody can even really guess, you could look at the VB and say it’s currently Sept 2015 so he has another 4.5 years to go…….but it’s been stuck on Sept 2015 for a couple of years now without any movement. So it’s not linear and who knows when it will move again, or by how much. All you can do is wait, keep checking, and hope really. When his date becomes current then he can try to expedite, but he’d need valid grounds to do so - just having the rest of his family in the US isn’t a valid reason.
  20. But as above, that’s for those that submit electronically. You need to add on a bit as your docs will have taken a few days to be opened and logged. Should be any day now though.
  21. Perfectly normal, don't forget you have to add on a few days as EB applicants have to submit via post/courier. Hopefully you'll hear any day now.
  22. I'd ask wherever he'll have his medical. I'm from the UK and we don't have the Varicella vaccine here, it wasn't a problem, the doctor just ticked a 'not available' box for that one.
  23. Just thought I'd update this, we got our second Hep A/B vaccines yesterday at a local pharmacy. Not needed for immigration, but we thought we might as well have them done so we've got the full course and are covered for school/travel if needed.
  24. Not a clue I'm afraid, just thought I'd give the link as it appears Tidusel94 hasn't been on the forum for quite some time. Not sure when you were DQ'ed? But contacting the embassy is unlikely to help if they do have a backlog tbh. Some embassies are super quick (3 months or so from DQ to interview), others are 2 years or more. Might be worth searching timelines to see how Stockholm is at the moment, although bear in mind most cases on VJ are spousal, which will be given priority over EB2. Good luck.
  25. You can click on a username and see somebody's other posts, seems Tidusel94 got transferred to the Frankfurt embassy due to the wait at Stockholm -
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