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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. Personally I wouldn't pay the fees yet. Partly because you can save the money for a while as your brother is many years off being able to get a visa, and partly because your father may need to be his petitioner if your mother ends up losing her LPR status. If your father petitions for him asap, then there's a even chance that the I-130 will take a lot longer, so your brother may just come under F2A. So I'd wait to pay the fees until you know which parent will actually be his petitioner or at least give it 6 months until you have a better idea of what's going on and how long your mother is likely to be out of the US for. As you've been advised on this thread and your previous one, multiple petitions are permitted (and a good idea). What is the reason you think she'll need to stay a year? Could it be less? If your mother just leaves for a few months (and maintains ties to the US i.e. bank account, driving licences, filing taxes etc) then it should be ok. How long has she lived in the US?
  2. Does she not have old payslips or a contract with it on? If not, Google street view may help - I found a couple of old addresses that I couldn't remember that way. Worth a try anyway.
  3. They can both apply, you can't 'move' a petition from one to the other. So perhaps the father should apply asap as well. The mother needs to be very careful as a year out of the country may well affect her own status. When you say 'over a year', how long are you thinking -presumably not the decade or so it'll take him to get a visa??
  4. Ah, I see, when you said 'hand it', I assumed you were in the same place as your attorney. Yes, better to email it to him and have him post it then (assuming it's not an original doc that's needed of course).
  5. So sorry, I've only just seen this! Yes, my children had to have a few extra, as did my husband and I. We just had them done at the medical to save time and hassle. Do also check what your children will need to attend school in the US, they need vaccines for that too.
  6. Usually back to the start I'm afraid, but it's super quick anyway at the moment, only 11 days or so. Can you not just send it yourself instead of adding the extra step of sending it to your attorney and then waiting for him/her to do it? Good luck.
  7. It's just the luck of the draw. You're still well within normal processing times so nothing to worry about.
  8. Table A is when a visa is available, Table B is when you can start the process of applying for a visa. So when the PD is current on Table B your parents will be asked to pay fees, submit documents etc, in preparation for when their PD becomes current on Table A. And the date shown is the Priority Date - so the people who have a visa available to them this month have Priority Dates from before 22nd Sept 2015.
  9. Not sure who 'the immigration police' are? But as above, you can just update it when you arrive and/or update it online.
  10. No worries. January Visa Bulletin has been released, the date has moved forward for F2B which is the first movement in a couple of years, so that's good.
  11. It is on the Welcome Letter you get when your case is transferred to NVC (comes as an email - may have gone in to your junk folder).
  12. Also, if you’re a USC it would be worth you also filing for your brother if you can afford the fees. It would take even longer but a good idea as back up just in case.
  13. Ah, I see. Nothing they can do but wait, when the PD is current on Table B then visa processing will start (there still won’t be one available until it’s current on Table A though).
  14. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin.html It’s updated monthly. It’s worth your friends looking at previous VB’s too so they can get a realistic picture of how slowly the F2B category moves forward.
  15. As everybody has said above, the I-130 is only the first step of the whole process. That's the petition, but then once that's approved you need to apply for a visa, and you can't get one until your Priority Date is current on the Visa Bulletin. As you can see from this month's visa bulletin, those in your category (which will be F2B) who applied back in September 2015 are only now eligible to get visas, so they've had just over an 8 year wait. The current date is 22nd September 2015. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-december-2023.html This is assuming your country isn't Mexico or the Philippines of course, as you can see from the above they have an even longer wait. So let's assume your father applies for you this month and your priority date (basically the date you applied) is 15th December 2023. If the same wait applied then you wouldn't be able to apply for a visa until 2032. But the reality is that the Visa Bulletin isn't moving forwards much in that category, you can see all previous ones here - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin.html As you can see from that, the date for your category in July 2021 was 15th September 2015 - so it's only moved forward one week in nearly 2 and a half years. Realistically you're looking at a wait of at least a decade before a visa becomes available to you, so you'll either need to return to your home country once your F1 expires, or find another way to stay on a different kind of visa route (but bearing in mind that then you'll be known to have immigrant intent so it may be not be as easy to get certain visas). HTH and makes sense so you understand the Priority Dates and Visa Bulletin now. Good luck.
  16. Yes, F2A for now. He’ll age out of that category though and be F2B. No way of expediting it until there’s a visa available to him which will be many years down the line, and even then there would need to be a good reason for it such as medical grounds. When will they apply for citizenship?
  17. The OP may not know yet, we contacted them as well and it took about 2 weeks to get the assessment as we had to send tons of stuff and then schedule a video call too.
  18. Some people are getting super fast I-130 approval at the moment. But he'd have been in the same situation anyway, even if it had taken the advertised 14 months, so I don't think UCSIS did it on purpose.
  19. I assume if your partner is a DJ that it's just him and he doesn't have employees? If so, there's no business visa available to him, I agree that CR1 would be the best route and enable him to start work immediately upon arrival.
  20. It could well be longer than a few months, it’s only moved a month in the past 8 months. But hopefully at some point in 2024 your PD will be current and you’ll be added to the queue for an interview. I think Islamabad has pretty lengthy queues but you can find out info on that on other threads. Good luck.
  21. I never used my USCIS account. Tried it once and found it pretty useless. It will be informative when you get to the point of things actually happening. It will say your application is underway, then it will say they're ordered your card to be processed, then it will say it's been despatched (with tracking number). Etc, etc. So just keep an eye on it and then you'll know when the GC is coming, but of course it doesn't really matter as you've got your temp green anyway and that's good for a year.
  22. I've never heard of a signature being required, they're just left in the mailbox. But do get Informed Delivery if you don't already have it, then you'll know when it's arriving and can flag it to him to make sure he puts it somewhere safe.
  23. Not sure what you mean by 'flaky', surely he'll just gather your mail for you and put it to the side? As long as he's not likely to pinch it then I wouldn't worry.
  24. Is your mail put through your door or in a mailbox? If the latter do you have a friend that could pop by and pick it up? You can use Informed Delivery so you know when it's on its way and delivered (it shows up as a special delivery parcel). I just wouldn't risk leaving it sat in a mailbox for weeks/months.
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