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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. I was responding to another member who is applying for an immigrant visa, not the OP. 🙂
  2. OK, sounds like your case isn't at the consulate yet. What does your online status say, does it say it's in transit?
  3. You have to provide police certs as part of the NVC process. And they do full background checks on applicants, applicants family etc - it's why sometimes AP can delay visas being issued by months or even years. You'll need to get your medical history from your Canadian doctor for your US immigrant visa medical, so yes, that will form part of your application. If you can give more info on what specifically you are worried about, then forum members can advise you better.
  4. Absolutely no point in putting it in a Ltd company as it will cost you a lot to do so (different if you’d purchased it through a Ltd company though). We do have a Ltd company with investment properties and didn’t even contemplate moving our family home in to it as we’d have lost a fortune, even with being able to claim interest as an expense. We rent our home, just filled in the HMRC non resident landlord form and will do self assessments. Most expenses can be claimed against any tax due. We don’t use an agent, we did it all ourselves using OpenRent, our home is worth a lot in rent and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing so much each year to agents that wouldn’t do much to earn it! But we have rented numerous properties (we always use OpenRent) and perhaps if we didn’t have that experience, and the property had a lower rental value, we might have done it differently. We are lucky and have excellent tenants, it’s a risk but if you have family there that can keep an eye on it that helps. Just be aware of Capital Gains Tax - the US is particularly brutal on this, particularly if you’ve owned the property for a long time.
  5. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-1-submit-a-petition/step-2-begin-nvc-processing.html HTH.
  6. Your parents can’t be added to the queue for an interview until they’ve been approved and then gone through the NVC process (pay fees, supporting docs & DS-260). Once that’s all done and their cases are Documentarily Complete they’ll start the wait for an interview. So it was an important first step towards that! Congrats.
  7. See the first post - AoS wasn't included in the application package.
  8. I missed that you're petitioning your parents as well, I'd assumed they were already USC's. So yes, a couple of years for your parents, but decades for your siblings. Still quicker for your parents to petition your siblings though, but it may be best for you to petition them too as well as 'back up', just in case. And as above, by the time your siblings get their visas, your niece will have aged out, so she'll have an even longer wait as she'll have to wait for your sister to become a LPR and then sponsor her.
  9. No worries at all. Good luck with the interview, hopefully yours will be as easy as mine was!
  10. Please add it to your actual VJ timeline, there aren’t many of us EB applicants so every timeline helps others. Plus it makes it easier as then members know any relevant info when you ask a question. For interview questions, have a search - i know I posted about my experience earlier this year and shared the questions I was asked (can’t remember what they were now though - but it was super quick and easy!). And lots of others have shared their experiences too. Good luck.
  11. Yes, much faster for your parents to do it - still a very long wait but about a decade or so quicker if your parents do it (assuming they’re also USC’s, and your siblings are unmarried). Category F1 v category F4 - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-december-2023.html
  12. From what you’ve said there are two red flags to overcome - his daughter being in the US, and him being retired with a steady source of passive income rather than a job to return to. Nothing he can do about either of them though, so all he can do is reapply and hope for a different outcome next time. Good luck.
  13. Are you a US citizen or a green card holder?
  14. What help do you still need? Your original question has already been answered, so please clarify what questions you still have?
  15. Now you know that you only have one option after all, hopefully that helps take away some uncertainly and makes things easier.
  16. You won’t be added to the queue for an interview until your PD is current in January. If you could fill in your profile it would be super helpful when you’re asking questions btw.
  17. OK, so hopefully current at some point in 2024. If you are moving back to the UK then that's fine. But just having the 'right to live' there isn't enough, you do actually need to be resident usually, London has refused lots of other forum members transfers who are UK citizens but don't live there. If you search the forum for 'consulate shopping' you'll see it rarely works.
  18. @Boiler is saying that if your father does choose to naturalise, you can opt out of moving to F1 category and stay in F2B category instead if it would be advantageous. The section about ‘Naturalization of the Petitioner in Family Preference Cases’ in this link explains it - https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/child-status-protection-act-cspa
  19. The CPSA is Federal isn’t it, why would it depend on circuit?
  20. That's because NVC will still have your file, it won’t be transferred to the consulate until they’re ready to schedule your interview. Nothing to do but wait I’m afraid, hopefully the backlog will drop so fingers crossed this time next year you’ll be near the front of the queue - keep an eye on the thread above for info on how it’s going. Good luck.
  21. Yes. If somebody ‘ages out’ of the F2A category then they move to the F2B category.
  22. As above, still a long wait ahead due to the backlog at Islamabad. This thread will be useful - Good luck.
  23. Will the case still be open after a decade though? I thought there was a year deadline before they were closed, or does that not matter as there still won’t be a visa available for a long time?
  24. In addition to the wait for your PD to become current as mentioned above, Montreal has one of the worst backlogs in the world, so even if current you’ll be waiting a lot longer than 3-6 months for an interview date. I’m surprised your lawyer isn’t aware of that either.
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