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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. I’m sorry that you felt my response was rude. When somebody has gone to the trouble to find you the relevant info you need to answer your question and to respond to you, I can assure you they’re not just doing it to try and make you feel stupid. Frankly, I have better things to do with my time. I have kids, several businesses, I’ve recently moved to the US myself. Etc, etc. I have enough going on and don’t need to spend my time doing that. I posted what would give you the answer you need, and just didn’t feel the need to add any commentary or opinion to it. I didn’t know you’d seen the website I gave you already. If you had then I’m not sure how there was any confusion. You say it ‘refers generally to anybody passing through’ but there’s a specific ‘do you need a visa link’ on it for each person to get their own specific answer. That tells you that no visa is required for your circumstances. There, was that wordy enough for you? 😂
  2. This thread is specific to spousal apps and they’re always given priority for interview slots. Tier 2 versus your Tier 3. You might want to start a new thread for your category and see if anybody else is in the same boat? Good luck.
  3. What is your PD? If you could also fill in your timeline that would be super helpful. In fact, a general request to all as I’ve noticed loads of people don’t have their timelines filled in - please could everybody take 5 mins to do it? Not only does it help everybody else that will follow us (with so few of us EB applicants every timeline helps add to the body of knowledge), but also helps other forum members know the pertinent info when you ask questions. Thx all.
  4. Yes. Plenty of time. 6-8 weeks usually for London but it does depend on your consulate - is yours London and are you EB2? If you could fill in your timeline it would be super helpful.
  5. If you really can prove that she’s never been married (including in every other country in the world outside Rwanda), then you may be right. It’s just that we’re all struggling to understand how you will show evidence to that effect. But do keep us posted, it would be so interesting to see how this plays out. I second the recommendation above for a seriously good attorney. This is not a DIY case. Best of luck.
  6. Out of interest, what checks do they do in Rwanda to see if somebody is free to marry? I married in the UK and they just take your word for it that you're not married to somebody else. So I'm curious to know how Rwanda knows for sure they somebody isn't already married before they commence the wedding ceremony. USCIS may well ask the same thing, so it may be worth having evidence of the checks they do ready to submit as well.
  7. Not much difference in waiting time for you as a citizen, but as Boiler said, at least your children can get married now if they wish. To update your category to F1 you need to contact NVC with a copy of your US passport or citizenship cert. Good luck.
  8. Ignore it completely! I wish they’d do away with the daft online timelines, they serve no purpose.
  9. 9th it appears - click on the Timeline link. HTH.
  10. What’s your Priority Date? If you could fill your timeline in it would be very helpful.
  11. No, it won’t automatically change to F1, your mother need to inform NVC of her new status and send a copy of her certificate/passport - https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/national-visa-center/immigrant-visas-processing-general-faqs.html#ivp6 And yes, that’s standard procedure until your PD is current on Table B of the Visa Bulletin. Only then will you be asked to start the NVC process. Good luck.
  12. I think Boiler was asking @IRN. But there’s nothing a lawyer or congressman can do if your case is now F2B. There’s simply no visa available to them by law, nobody can change that.
  13. You can't fill the DS-260 in until you've had your Welcome Letter and paid your fees. Not sure what you mean 'fill for the green card', do you mean pay for it? You have to pay the fees when you get the Welcome Letter, and then the $220 GC fee can be paid anytime after interview/visa receipt. So you've got a few things left to pay for, but the $220 fee can be left until your mother is in the US if you prefer. Just don't forget the biggest expense for her - health insurance! If you have a look at the link I gave you, that answers your questions - it's step by step instructions for the whole process. Good luck.
  14. Then no I-485. That's only for those who are doing adjustment of status, rather than consular processing. Now you just wait and follow this process once the file is at NVC and you've received your Welcome Letter (which comes via email, despite the name!). https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-1-submit-a-petition/step-2-begin-nvc-processing.html
  15. I suspect the person you spoke to just didn't have access to that info if it was only sent yesterday - it won't even have been logged yet. Most cases are sent electronically these days, but it'll be in a queue once received. You'll need to be patient, but hopefully will get the Welcome Letter in a few weeks. Good luck.
  16. I agree that the fee is far too high, but that question isn't planted, it is necessary. If they didn't ask then how would they know how you intend to apply for the visa? I'm sorry that you misunderstood it, but think claiming they put the question in the I-130 just for money grabbing purposes is a bit much! Hopefully it will take less than a year, we have seen a few recently that have been less than that. Good luck.
  17. I wouldn’t worry about it. As long as it’s not a RFE (and your account would show it if it was) then it’s not going to delay anything.
  18. Has your I-130 been approved yet? It doesn’t look as though it has, so there’s nothing to file yet - you’ll need to wait until your case is at NVC and that won’t happen until after your petition is approved.
  19. It won’t make a difference at the I-130 stage whether the petitioner is a citizen or LPR. It’s only after that that it’l make a difference as you’ll be subject to the visa wait, unlike those married to USC’s. When can your spouse apply for citizenship?
  20. I think you must have filled in another part of your profile - your timeline still comes up blank (click on the word ‘Timeline’ on the post above to see).
  21. Depends on the consulate, most don't send them out on a fixed day each month. London for instance, tends to send them a few days before the end of the month, but everywhere is different and they can change it for any reason (I was expecting mine at the end of May and then it came mid May!). Whatever date it is, your interview will probably be scheduled already now (assuming you're definitely getting an interview date in the next batch), so when you get the letter won't make much difference, the date will still be the same. Again it depends on the consulate, London tends to be about 6-8 weeks after the IL for the interview, but other consulates are longer/shorter. Good luck.
  22. OK, I know that there's a super long (more than a year - I think nearer 18 months) wait for EB immigrant visa apps at Montreal, but not sure on spousal - if you go to the consulate section of VJ there will be a timeline thread there for CR1 applicants I'd think. That should give you an idea of how long you'll wait for an interview once you've completed the NVC stage just so you can factor that in to your ideal timeline. You have a year to pay your fees and start the NVC process, so you don't need to worry, and you can delay the NVC process for a long time if needed. And for your timeline on here, please go to your profile and fill it out. That way it pays it forward to help others, but also means when you ask a question in the future people don't need to ask tons of questions to be able to help. Best of luck to you.
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