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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. That isn't really relevant. Every time you enter you are asked questions and if you lied on one of those entries (I'm not saying that you did, just that it's a possibility and would explain the fraud/misrep) then it doesn't matter if you were granted a visa years before. The immigration officer will have been able to see all details of your previous visa apps and entries when you tried to enter most recently. I would suggest you have a consultation with a good immigration lawyer, give them full details of everything that's happened and hopefully you can then work out for sure if you do have a ban, and if so, if you can apply for a waiver or not. Your Canadian passport is also not relevant if you do have a ban, the ban is still there regardless of your new citizenship. Good luck.
  2. I wonder if that is the visa application that the fraud/misrep is in reference to - if (for example) you said on that visa app that you were wanting it to visit Disneyland for 2 weeks, but then actually used it to enter Canada illegally and claim refugee status, that could have been misrepresentation. So it may not be your Canada to US visa application that it means, it may be your previous application, just as a thought?
  3. Hopefully ok then, they should have visas well before they turn 21, but personally I don't think I'd risk chasing to get the I-130 approved earlier just in case. Particularly as there's little point when no visa will be available to them for quite some time after it's approved anyway. Edit: just realised you say above you're a citizen? But also say F2A, can you clarify?
  4. 40 pages?!? I've been married for decades and have two kids, I still couldn't come close to that. 😂 I think if you do submit it, you need to seriously reduce it to a much smaller document, no officer is going to take the time to read that.
  5. Basically an extended background check form. Can add a year or more to processing, more commonly given to people who are originally from certain countries (Iran, Pakistan, etc), but can be given to anyone.
  6. SSN is sent within 2 weeks of entering the US, unlike the GC which can take up to 90 days. Congrats on your GC and enjoy life in the US.
  7. Or is just too busy planning a quick wedding. 😂
  8. Sometimes the interviewing officer says it’s approved only to have a more senior officer decide otherwise afterwards. It’s not a lie.
  9. Do update when you’ve heard from them? It would be really helpful for others in the future to know how long it takes. Good luck.
  10. The OP has filled in their timeline as requested - so click on ‘Timeline’ by their name and you’ll see it was 22nd Dec 2022. If you could fill in your timeline too that would be super helpful.
  11. Online videos may be out of date, stick to the official info. https://www.uscis.gov/i-129f As that says, passport or birth certificate for petitioner are ok, you don’t need both. There’s also a guide on this forum that is worth reading before you submit. Good luck.
  12. OK, that's good. I know it's about 18 months from DQ to IL for 'normal' EB cases, not sure how much time an expedite will shave off that as I've not seen anybody else with one. There is a long running thread about EB visas via Montreal, might be worth searching that to see if you can find any expedite cases. Good luck.
  13. Yep. Refused is different to denied.
  14. 19th Jan was only one working day ago. You'll need to be more patient, give it a few days and hopefully it will change to refused/AP/issued (and only when it changes to issued will you get the tracking number). Good luck.
  15. Have you had an expedite granted from the consulate? Or just NVC?
  16. Yes, we all took ours (2 adults and 2 teens).
  17. Just to be clear, she doesn't have 'approx 6 months', she will have a very specific date that she has to enter by, and that will be on her visa. Make sure she enters at least a few days before that deadline. Good luck.
  18. If you gave them a new address, it should have been changed. Nothing should be sent to your sponsor now you're a GC holder.
  19. You are asked to go up to a window, a few things are checked and you hand over your documents then sit back down to wait to be called for your actual interview. I only had a few documents though so it wouldn't have warranted a divider, I just had them in a clear plastic folder. They are very unlikely to take any new docs, they just want what is on the checklist. And yes, a backpack is fine as long as it's not too big. Good luck.
  20. Yes, each needs petitioning for separately. You don’t need to submit much now, most documents will be required in 20+ years when your siblings are eligible to apply for their visas. Follow the guide on VJ -
  21. Most applicants would want the I-130 to take longer for F2A, to protect the beneficiary from aging out, but I assume your sons are very young so there’s no danger of that?
  22. London’s one of the quickest consulates. I’d guess an IL in the next couple of weeks with an interview date in March. Good luck.
  23. Your sister needs to be aware that there's a good chance her children will 'age out' before they get visas, certainly the older one at least. What was the UK reference about if they're not there?
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