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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. She can't, but she can when she becomes a USC. I'd recommend she does so, partly as back up to your petition, but also as it may be slightly quicker.
  2. OK, so nothing to do but wait. Just check the VB occasionally to see if the date has moved and keep an eye on it when it gets close. Good luck.
  3. No, nothing you can do until her PD is current on Table B as above. She's at least 15-20 years away from that stage. Is your Dad a citizen and is he your sisters father too?
  4. For what? Please give more details of the application so people can try and help.
  5. You keep an eye on the Visa Bulletin (released monthly). Table A is what you need to look at to see when a visa will become available to her, when her PD is before that date - not sure which country she's in, but for most countries the date is 8th June 2007, so anybody that applied before that date is now able to get a visa https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-march-2024.html And as @Chancy said, Table B tells you when you can complete the NVC side of things, that's currently at 1st March 2008. Good luck.
  6. Ah, I replied to this when it was posted on your F2B thread, hence the confusion. Up to you which is best to do, @Crazy Cat has given you the excellent list above to get you started.
  7. It's not really clear what you're asking about - is your USC parent sponsoring your brothers? Who got married, who is 'we'?
  8. Are you asking anybody specific? Those who applied in the past will generally have a shorter wait than those applying now due to the increasing number of applicants and growing backlog. All you can do is keep an eye on the Visa Bulletin each month and see how/if it moves. And please fill in your timeline, that way people will know what your PD is and what category you're applying under when you ask questions. Good luck.
  9. Remember that the total number of issued visas includes the cap exempt F2A's, the unused visas from the previous FY are carried over and added to the next year's quota, those issued under military provisions don't count towards the quota (but will be included in the tables), that the per-country limitation on employment-based visa numbers can be lifted at any point, and that certain exceptions to the per-country cap are built into the INA that allow green cards unused by a country to be allocated to those waiting in line elsewhere. Etc, etc. I agree that there are no mysteries in the numbers, but there are too many other factors that will come in to it and that those figures won't show. As @Mundo254 has said, there's no way they're going over these limits and breaking the law. Any lawyer would be trying to file a class lawsuit if that were the case, as they'd make a fortune, and it would be all over every immigration blog and social media too.
  10. How did she get her GC? If it wasn’t through marriage then why do you think it will be temporary and not a 10 year GC? Sounds like she hasn’t had the plastic card in the mail, but it’s a bit early if she only entered last month, it can take up to 90 days to receive it. Did she file AR-11 to inform USCIS of her change of address? If not, file that asap and then complete this form to say the GC was never received if it doesn’t arrive by May - https://egov.uscis.gov/e-request/displayNDCForm.do?entryPoint=init&sroPageType=ndc This of course assumes the GC fee ($220, going up on 1st April) was paid, as it won’t be mailed if it wasn’t. So do check that doesn’t need to be paid first as well. Good luck.
  11. Have you had confirmation that London have accepted the case? Assume you’re living in the UK?
  12. The difference is that in the UK a speeding ticket is often a civil offence, whereas this is a criminal one - I'd order his ACRO cert asap just to see what it says though. I agree with the above that this shouldn't cause his visa to be denied, he just needs to be completely honest about it and hopefully it will all be fine. Good luck.
  13. Not sure what you mean by update? 2016 cases aren’t current so nobody that applied back then can get a visa yet.
  14. As said above, that’s immigration fraud and could result in him being banned from the US. But he’d still need the shot, or a waiver anyway - the vaccine requirements would still apply.
  15. It’s not really clear what you’re trying to do. On what basis are you trying to get her a US passport? Is your brother a US citizen?
  16. Has it definitely been accepted by London? You should have had your IL by now if so. What does your online status say?
  17. Ok, so you’re quite a way off him getting the visa. I agree with @Boiler, if your Mum doesn’t have her visa yet then the only option seems to be to delay hers until your son can catch up.
  18. You can apply for a I-601 waiver - there’s a whole forum below about them. Adds about a year to the process I believe.
  19. Then it will he much quicker than if you were F2A. When did you apply for them? If your Mum can’t stay (does she have to move in May or could she delay it??) then as above, you’ll have to go and look after them until they get their visas. You could try asking for an expedite but I don’t think you have a valid reason for it.
  20. A levels are below degree level (even associate degree). They’re the final 2 years of high school, 16-18.
  21. The wait time for an interview is very varied, and depends on the consulate. So which one is your case at? Please fill in your timeline, thanks.
  22. It would be breaking the law and class action lawsuits would be flying all over the place. There's no way any country has been issued over the limit IMO, I think people are just misunderstanding the numbers.
  23. It varies each year. The 25,620 is only an example ('i.e.'), as it depends on actual numbers (the employment based is at least 140k, not a max of 140k). The website linked to above is very reputable - I've not done the sums but I'd assume it's correct.
  24. Everybody has that status. It’s usually a good deal sign as it means final sign off is being done and the visa is being printed - our status was only AP for a couple of hours before it switched to issued. Yes, you’ll receive texts from DX with tracking info. And your online status will update too, although ours didn’t change until after we already had the passports back!
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