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Everything posted by appleblossom

  1. If your PD became current in February then you'll have been added to the queue for an interview then, and hopefully it won't take too long - London is one of the quickest consulates. I'd guess you'll get an interview letter this month or next, interview maybe June as a rough guess? Please fill in your timeline, it's helpful when you ask questions but also there aren't many of us EB applicants around, so the more timelines the better to help others too. Thanks and good luck.
  2. Nothing more you can do then. You just have to wait and see if the I-130 is approved, or if you get asked to submit a I-824. Might be worth having another read of your previous thread on the same subject, I'd suggest you stick to that thread as requested -
  3. Usually the following month after IL i.e. if you get an IL in May it'll be for a date in June. My interview was on a Monday and the passport was back the following Thursday - but officially they say to allow 2 weeks so don't book a flight too early just in case! London is incredibly quick, some poor folks are having to wait 2 years or more for an interview, so we're very lucky. Good luck.
  4. I would do. I thought maybe London hadn't accepted your case (as from your previous posts, it sounds like you were only visiting London and don't actually live in the UK - and London is very strict on residency), but if you think they have then I'd definitely chase it up as you should have had an IL by now.
  5. Usually pretty quick via London, the last lot of interviews for CR1 were sent out in early March. My guess is that she'll have missed the next batch but get an IL in May (that is just a guess though). There's no fixed cut off, it seems to vary each month, I guess depending on how many cases they have to schedule, and how quickly slots fill. Good luck.
  6. Mine was an almost instant email after I submitted the DS-160. It'll be determined depending on what you say in that. The email said……. "You have successfully completed the U.S. visa application registration process. Based on the information you provided, you are not required to attend a consular interview at this time. Due to the high demand of visa applications, the U.S. Department of State has placed your case in the virtual “waiting” queue. When the Consular Section is ready to review your application, we will send application submission instructions to the email address you provided when creating your account in this system. " I then had an email the following day with instructions of what documents to mail and where to. The wait time you mention will be for the visa processing, which is done after you submit the documents. Officially, that can take weeks or months, but the reality is that mine was done within days. But London is super quick for everything at the moment, both my NIV and my IV were processed so quickly last year. Other consulates may be much longer.
  7. Then they're already citizens. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/us-citizenship/child-citizenship-act-of-2000.html
  8. Depends how long ago her other shots were. As of last year, the requirement is now that a booster is required if there hasn't been a dose in the previous 12 months - https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/vaccinations.html#:~:text=Applicants must receive one dose,of the immigration medical examination.
  9. Nope. The Supreme count has ruled that you cannot count on anything told to you by a US government employee. But even if you were given the wrong info, then it won't have been intentional - remember that these are call centre workers, reading off a script, with no actual immigration knowledge. Has your online status ever said that the case if being transferred to the consulate, or has been received there?
  10. Then she’s good to go. The visa will say ‘IV Docs in CCJ’ which means it’s been sent electronically.
  11. Does it say 'IV Docs in CCD' on their visas? If so, that means it's been sent electronically.
  12. Personally I'd try to find out what the problem is - I'd ask for a copy of the medical report/contact the medical provider for more info. If there is something they need to check, a congressman won't be able to to do anything anyway, but if it's an error then I'd escalate it. You just need to find out what the reason for the second medical is first.
  13. It doesn't mean she failed, but it means it's not complete - there is something outstanding. As I said above, it sounds to me as though they want to follow up on something in 6 months, but the question is what that is.
  14. No, they're immediate relatives, so it's much quicker than that. Maybe a year or so for the I-130 to be approved, then the NVC/consulate stage will depend on the wait for an interview at their consulate - could be as quick as 3 months, or as long as 2 years.
  15. Depends on the risk tolerance of the OP I guess. I wouldn't do it with my mother, but she's probably much more elderly than the OP's, and I wouldn't want to put her through the stress/hassle and potential of having ESTA taken away personally. Of course, she may have only arrived a couple of days ago and still have plenty of time left if the OP gets her oath ceremony quickly, we don't know what the situation is.
  16. Sounds to me like they found something during the medical that they want to check again in 6 months time. Any history of alcohol or drug abuse? Any indication of TB in the x-ray? Did she have to do a blood/urine test?
  17. Anybody could mock up a letter and make it look real just by copying others online. But why would you think she’d do that?
  18. Yes, there are a few people on the forums who have done the same thing. You'll have to submit a I-824 and wait for that to be processed unfortunately. Good luck.
  19. The categories mentioned in the link above are just expanding on those already allowed. Mine was for an O visa. I've no idea if the OP would qualify for a waiver of the interview or not, but B visa applicants can be eligible (example from one consulate - https://ec.usembassy.gov/visas/nonimmigrant-visas/faq-about-iwp/).
  20. If you need proof of residence, then where will your wife be living whilst she waits for her visa? You could use proof of that.
  21. Ah. @EMBELL_17, when does your mothers period of stay on her ESTA expire? I guess it will depend on when your oath ceremony is, but hopefully you have enough time to petition for her after you become a citizen and before she has to leave.
  22. How do you know how many people are interviewed each month?
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