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Posts posted by WRNEAL

  1. My fiance and I have just gone thru the same process and still no Visa. Long story but will tyr to make shorter. Her middle name on her birth certificate was spelled wrong It should have been spelled ROGERO but instead a bright Filpina spelled it ROHERO so the attorney her told me that all had to macth so we hired an attorney there that said he could have it corrected in 3 weeks great news......that was in Jan 2008. It took 4 months becos the Judge decided to take a leave. So after all the investigation we found out her middle name was neither Rohero or Rogero becos her mothers father and mother were never married so she couldnt use her fathers last name of Rogero. So the attorney said we had to change her name to her mother maiden name of Lumbab ok we thought all was well at this point so we sent the I129f in July of 2008 we finally got a NOA2 the last of Feb. She went for the interview and all was well except the consulate want another NBI clearnace of the name Rohero and a New cenomar with that name. This was on March 17th her interview. She took the papers back to Manila on the 30th of March and dropped them off. They did keep her passport but it is now the 17th of April and we have not heard anything. So do you have any idea what the heck they are looking for.

    We tryed so hard to do all legal by the laws of the United Staes of America.

    I have emailed to the consulate in Manila and no response. I dont want to piss them off becos they hold the key to the lock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did call and the lady at the embassy told me it is still under review, have u ever in ur life heard of anything like this. I know if you make a mistake on ur income tax in their favor they are Johnny on the spot to want it.

    I t has now been 16 months since we originally started this process.

    NBI Clearance Investigation

    My wife and I just completed the interview on 13 August 08. We were in high spirits until we went to the last window to pick up our forms. Hiccup! She was handed a document that listed these categories: "Affidavit of Support", "From Applicant", "Required Clearances", "Information on Petitioner", "Evidence of Claimed Relationship Between You and ____", and "Employment Based Petitions".

    Her hiccup "glitch" pertains to only the "Required Clearances" on her part and that was checked.

    The other reading of the form that takes the wind out of your sails is:

    Dear Immigrant Visa Applicant: We are unable to complete the processing of your immigrant visa application (under section 221 (g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act) until you present the following documents. (You don’t get to present them)


    Required Clearances - NBI written explanation of "No Criminal Record", or "No Pending Case" for you wife’s name . (We already had that but they want more)


    What to Do Next: WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR FROM US: We must review your case before it can be processed further. Please wait for a letter from us telling you when you can return to the Embassy with the documents marked above for another (here we go again) appointment. (Oh goody - Another %$#*&**&% wait)

    My wife had her NBI clearance with her at her interview and its notation is "No Criminal Record". To most intelligent people that would be a good thing - but you have to realize that 1.) You’re in the Philippines & 2.) You’re dealing with the U. S. Embassy.

    After doing some checking, I discovered that "No Criminal Record" is not a good thing in the eyes of the U.S. Embassy and I was told by an embassy employee that they look at the NBI as being corrupt agency (can you imagine that) and that they would have to do a further investigation before going forward. I asked them how long this would take and got the usual shoulder shrug. Can you imagine not trusting the NBI? LOL.

    They also won’t let you go down to the NBI and get the letter of explanation - the embassy would be suspicious that you had paid someone at the NBI to get the letter, so they will not accept it if you do.

    This makes me wonder - when you are preparing your documents for your interview; they gave you a list of what they want. I don’t recall seeing anything on that list saying NBI Clearance (and Letter of Explanation) or ( Don’t bother getting the clearance- we don’t trust the NBI and we will have to investigate it ourselves anyway). No, it just says NBI Clearance. In our case it was notated “No Criminal Record” Duh! Maybe it’s supposed to say “Squeaky Clean”.

    We had just overcome another boondoggle with the Medical Exam when they chose her to do the T.B. culture that extended our interview date by another six weeks. The culture came back negative -squeaky clean (we knew that when she took it) and now we have “hiccup number 2” - another delay and then probably some more stupidity. My wife has a squeaky clean record, never had anything to do with the law and we already know there is nothing that will pop out of the woodwork "Except” and I don't use that word lightly! She has a common Asian name equal to "Jane Smith" in the states. We are already anticipating a nightmare of these and wading through all these similar names and she will have to prove that she is not any of them except one.

    I tried to find the NBI subject on this site but had no luck. I wanted to hear from others that got this little goody and how they got through it and how long that took.

    I don't know what it is about us, we are both retired, clean living family types and I'm getting to feel like we will both be in the grave when the Visa comes through or maybe just using walkers through American customs with her Immigrant Visa in hand. LOL. Of course the other thought is that when the packet arrives we might not be able to handle the shock and we will have a double heart attack. I was reading some of the comments rating the U.S. Embassy - Manila and they were mostly rated with 4 to 5 stars. We must have come in through another door because my rating would be generous with half a star.

    Last but not least, I went with her granddaughter and the boyfriend to get a Tourist Visas (Non-Immigrant). They were both refused, with the interviewer (as usual) not looking at all the back up documents or letting them explain. Her granddaughter just had a ten year visa expire and was looking for a renewal. This was with 4 trips to the states and never once over staying or breaking any of the rules - go figure. Now it takes over $500 American dollars to request a re-evaluation. This embassy reminds me of the state troopers where I come from and their quotas for handing out speeding tickets. All this money just because of a wimp with a “I’m in Power” ego that can simply put a check mark (for refused) with the swipe of pen and not even looking at the supporting documents that would prove him or her wrong.

    Talk about a glutton for punishment - and to think I used to complain about the Department of Motor Vehicles back in the states. That would be a cake walk compared to the U.S. Embassy.

    By the way, while I’m still on my band wagon - have you ever looked around when you’re in there and asked yourself “Am I in the U.S. Embassy or the Philippine Embassy”? and “Where the hell are the Americans in this place hiding”? Go to entrance - Philippine guards, go through security - again Philippine Personnel. Go into the Immigrant, Non-Immigrant or Dept. of Homeland Security - ditto. The kicker is the Social Security and Veteran’s Administration areas - look around and see how many Americans are sitting with you. Are you wondering why the Social Security is going broke and where are all my fellow veterans’ ????. Good Morning Viet Nam.

    Oh well - back to the drawing board. - I feel better now.

  2. My fiancee had her interview on Mrch 17ht in the Philippines and they aske he rto get me to sen to her for the original 1099's for the past 3 tax yeas and a profit/loss statement but I dont own a business so i enclosed a letter as such

    I t has been a week now since she took those back to Manila and we have not heard anyhting as of yet. I wish i knew how to contact them personally.

    I am prep'ing I-134. To support the financial requirements, I am going to have the following documents along with it:

    - My last 5 pay stubs

    - Employment verification letter from my employer stating salary

    - W2 forms for last 3 years

    - 1040 forms for last 3 years (I am not including CA540, I guess its relevent...right?)

    - Letter from bank about my checking account balance (its quite useless actually, as its meager balance only used for daily expenses etc)

    So, the questions I have is:

    1. My annual income from my employement is far more then what is mandated on I134, so I am not including all investments, savings, real estate etc, as I feel its of no use. Please confirm my understanding.

    2. 1040 forms - all I have are the signed copies of the originals which I had sent to IRS. Are these copies sufficient?

    Do I need to notorize these - notorization would not quite make sense, since it would be like - 'its a true copy of the copy' :)

    3. W2 forms - should I send the copies of the W2 forms. I can notorize the copies or do I need to include the originals?

    Any thing I have missed out here?

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