For those asking about where to find the vaccine, if you are in Ontario you can book an appointment at certain Shoppers Drug mart for both children and adult. They carry the latest vaccine. Select Adult or Pediatric and it will tell you which Shoppers carries it, then you can book an appointment, some of them accept walk-ins.*lo0nyk*_gcl_au*MTc3ODU0NDczNS4xNzIzMDY3NDgw*_ga*MjE5MTQzMTY4LjE3MjMwNjc0ODE.*_ga_XCKB8CCCYD*MTcyMzUwMzkzMi40LjAuMTcyMzUwMzkzNS41Ny4wLjA.&service=covid-pfizer-booster
Also if you or your children (5 yr and up) have never been vaccinated for Covid, you only need 1 dose of this new vaccine to meet the requirement for full vaccination. However, kids 6 months old to 4 yr old need 2-3 doses ( 8 weeks apart)