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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Local Office
    Boston MA
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  1. Expedited case my spouse case dq qualified were sept 2022 however I have a new born 6 month who was in hospital from last 4 months in extereme condition & no treatment was available I got a medical report and requested nvc to Expedite my interview in Islamabad with help of senator office it too around 2 months and Alhumdulilah got the visa ... now in USA I hope my post can help medical emergency cases . Please do duwa for my son he is in emergency jazakallah
  2. Alhumdulilah Imran Khan have done whatever to awake us up ... it is our crook generals and politicians who have done all the damage.
  3. My wife status change to AP from Refused after submitting additional letter on 4/13/23 . Any idea what to expect
  4. She was given white slip with required document checked . AP was not checked in the list . Can tell if in ur case AP was checked or not
  5. She was missing husband previous divorce certificate that she provided next day
  6. On interview date CO gives the passport back and it we have returned them with additional document
  7. 221-g white slip My wife had an interview on 4/12 CO give them white slip 221(g) ( ticked with passport , previous divorce certificate of petitioner ) which she submitted through courier on 4/13. CEAC status still show Refused , with date update on 4/17. Any experience or idea what to expect next or time frame
  8. Brother I really appreciate you have taken your precious time and research for this. May Allah reward you for your efforts thank you
  9. My wife give them the certified sealed + Stamp divorce copy. They refused the visa and told her to courier Passport + Original divorce certificate . I did confirm with the court here and court is saying they can only give Sealed + Stamp copy. I dont know how to convince VISA officer ? If someone have similar experience or suggestion please share
  10. I uploaded as well as my wife bring the certified copy too. However officer asked them to get original certificate. In my State Connecticut court only give certified copies
  11. USA original divorce - please help My wife have interview today for IR-1 however officer asked them to mail original Divorce Certificate of my previous marriage in USA . in Connecticut we don't have original certificate, we only have certified divorce decree . She did told the officer but officer is asking to get original certificate. Can any one have any suggestion how to convince officer that they have only certified copy and no orignal document
  12. Need Help My wife has old passport in ds-260 , she made another passport after marriage which is not mentioned in ds-260 . She have interview next week what should she do ? 2. For financial affidavit do she need updated with supporting documents
  13. 1. I have a new born son who got us citizenship through consulate Pakistan . Since I fill up da-260 for my wife before his birth do I need to add my new born us citizen child in ds-260. 2. I have provided fnaancial afidfavit of support in 2022 . Do we have to update or bring new updated affidavit Todd support during the interview or old will work please see if your can help on above 2 questions
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