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About Gigi3

  • Birthday July 21

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Boston MA
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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  1. We are still in this process 😩 - Interview Tuesday, March 19th - From "READY" to "APPROVED" Thursday, March 21st - March 26th from "APPROVED" to "ISSUED" Still waiting for the next steps for my fiance to pick up his passport and visa. I wanted to have him travel back with me but I will have to go ahead and it makes me very sad. But morning I can do, it's all depending on the Dominican Embassy. I feel like ours has taken a long time to process.
  2. Off topic but your picture is too cute! The little car 🙂
  3. Hi, Once your status changes to READY at https://ceac.state.gov, you can complete the DS-160, create your profile with your Embassy and pay the Visa fee. Check this website for your country as to how to create the profile - https://www.ustraveldocs.com/. The UK page doesn't seem straightforward, but I was able to find the K1 information by selecting "Visas" link at the bottom of the UK page, then Immigration Visa, then Finance.
  4. Also apparently there is no PK3 for Dominican Republic Embassy. It's just a "Welcome" email that says the Embassy received the case. Once status said "Ready" I was able to create them profile and pay.
  5. Hi, Once your status changes to READY at https://ceac.state.gov, you can complete the DS-160, create your profile with your Embassy and pay the Visa fee. Check this website for your country as to how to create the profile - someone posted it before - https://www.ustraveldocs.com/. For Dominican Republic Embassy, I needed to complete the DS-160 before creating the profile. Check the requirements for your Embassy. Once I submitted the DS-160, created the profile and paid the fee, I sent an inquiry to the Embassy letting them know I did all that. They said I will get an email reply once they review it so that I can go into the profile again and get access to the interview calendar. I now have to wait for them to let me see the interview calendar to pick the date. I paid on Dec 14th and still haven't heard anything so still waiting🙏🤞. This is where it can take a few weeks, at least for Dominican Republic, your Embassy might be faster.
  6. Are you using the NVC case number? It's not the USCIS reference. Also you would select Immigrant visa.
  7. Hi, Once your status changes to READY at https://ceac.state.gov, you can complete the DS-160, create your profile with your Embassy and pay the Visa fee. Check this website for your country as to how to create the profile - https://www.ustraveldocs.com/. For me I needed to complete the DS-160 before creating the profile. For Dominican Republic Embassy, once I submitted the DS-160, created the profile and paid the fee, I sent an inquiry letting them know I did all that. They said I will get an email with once they review it so that I can go into the profile again and get access to the interview calendar. I now have to wait for them to let me see the interview calendar to pick the date. I paid on Dec 14th and still haven't heard anything. I have sent many inquiries but they just say they are busy. My plan is to send one every week 🙏🤞 (fingers crossed it works)
  8. Still waiting for DR Embassy to grant me access to the interview calendar. I completed the DS-160 and paid the Visa fee on 14-DEC-2023.
  9. I am K1 and will waiting for DS-160 to be approved so I can see the calendar.
  10. Still waiting for DR Embassy to approve my DS-160 😞. They finally replied to my many inquiries that they are behind and be patient. Sigh.
  11. I completed the DS-160 and paid the fee about a week ago. When I did, I got an email, probably generic one, from them saying I would need to wait the best steps while they review. So just waiting now 😩. I am in a WhatsApps group for other Dominican Republic Visas and a lot of the interview dates are getting filled for January and February. I am hoping to get response from them soon.
  12. Ok thank you. I am at the READY stage, and just anxiously waiting for any "signs of life" 😂 from the Dominican Embassy
  13. Hi, question - in your timeline you wrote "CAEC status was changed from APPLICATION RECEIVED". Was it changed from the status READY to APPLICATION RECEIVED originally? Or was there another status before APPLICATION RECEIVED? First time I see that, normally people always talk about when it's in READY status.
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