It's not really an apartment she lives in, but she does have a landlord.
Household serial number is equivalent to address? The landlord did provide a census sticker that has that information, is this enough to include on the form?
Her passport just lists Purak and Barangay.
I asked her and she uses "near XXXX lotto store, Purak XXXX, Barangay XXXXX" to order from Lazada. Is that sufficient? Should I also include the household serial number from above? It sounds like I may be overthinking this.
No name of the building, it's sort of like a makeshift apartment. That it's gone through with just Barangay makes me feel much better.
Thank you VERY much everyone for replay it has been super helpful. I think I am overthinking this, and if I've read the above replied correctly I should just list:
household serial number, Street, Purak, and Barangay
and that should be sufficient?
Thank you again everyone.