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Everything posted by dephomega

  1. My husband just got his i-130 visa accepted yesterday!! i just wanna thank everyone on this site for their help!

  2. Hey so i my husband got an email (i-130) to do his biometrics at a different consulate than what we originally set up and requesting him to go to rio at the same date and time. He gets there extremely early for a number of reasons and they allow him to enter and do his biometrics. They first say they don't have his name on the list then want him to show they email but they're not allowed phones. So they take his biometrics anyways and gets a stamp at the back of his passport. When the consulate closes at 5 i get an email saying he didn't attend but he received the stamp sticker on the back of his passport and did get his photo and finger prints taken. Do we have to reschedule? or should we call the consulate to make sure it was a system mistake?
  3. Hey just wanted to say thanks for the advice the other person never got back but I would just like to say that ordering Certidao de Nascimento em inteiro teor and submitting it did work, guys. THIS IS THE ONE THAT THEY WANT. I was struggling with the same problem so good luck everybody else!! and make sure you submit both translated and original.
  4. Okay so just to make sure the w7 not required at all to file my taxes? And it won't benefit us at all?
  5. okay and final question whats this w7 jeanne was talking about? i was planning on filing married but filing seperate because i thought since he's not a citizen, national , or resident that i wouldn't be able to file his income? i looked it up im not really understanding what the w7 is for exactly and if it applies to me ( and if i have to do it because it'll benefit my case). Thanks so much guys for your help. This really is a confusing journey.
  6. Okay so since I'm( the usc/petitioner) a full time student I already have a co-sponsor. We live together currently in Brazil and I dont plan on leaving without him. I have an allowance which he gives to me but i want to show proof that he gives me money. He doesn't send it to me because we live together i just use his card, but what I meant was that I want to prove that he pays for me in terms of the allowance he gives to me (maybe like adding my name to his bank and possibly having my own card to show that he gives me money and I spend it on my wants?), and finally I do have a job waiting for me. Thanks so much for ur help guys btw. Ik im overthinking it but sometimes thats better than being unprepared.
  7. So he can't do the w7 cause A.) Hes the beneficiary B.) He can't do taxes in brazil because he didn't make enough to do the taxes. So are there any other ways to prove financial evidence??
  8. As in I have an allowance since I was going to school full time and didn't have a job he gives me money to pay for things that I want and need. But I wanna show that he gives me money as an allowance to show comingling of finances.
  9. Well were a young couple so we dont have much to our name you know? Its a bit difficult to prove our marriage financially and I dont want a reason to be rejected for lack of financial ties. Also what is supporting evidence?
  10. Well im still in college from the U.S im just doing it online. I have car payments in the U.S and a company im about to work for is from the U.S Plus I have my own bank and I vote still which I read also proves domicile
  11. Me and my husband live together in brazil as I am a resident. I wanted to build more evidence about our relationship financially. I want to add myself as an account member to his bank because I wanted to show the government that he send me money to pay for my need and sometimes groceries.( I cant do my bank since chase Bank doesn't allow foreigners to do that). I've been afraid to get an account because i don't know how it will affect my domicile to the U.S however I want to show that my husband supports me financially. It would be harder for him to send me money through western union it would be an unnecessary circle of proving my husband pays for me. Should I join his account? And will that negatively affect my domicile?
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