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  1. Processing time is 29.5 months.
  2. Time frame now is 29 months. working on may and June 22
  3. Working on April, May and June 2022.
  4. Expedite is hard to approved. Timeframe for I 601 is over 2 years.
  5. Hi Theirs is no I-160 ? it will be I 601
  6. Reaching congress men will help expedite case ? One attorney recommended. thanks
  7. If at a later time you can provide the evidence needed to be considered for an expedite, we strongly suggest uploading a letter of explanation and any evidence you may have to support your request in your USCIS online account. Please Note: If your documentation is in any language other than English, it must be accompanied by a Certified English Translation. If you do not have a USCIS online account and you have met one or more of the criteria above, please check your receipt number to see if it starts with the letters "IOE. Currently receipt number for I 601 is LIN NOT IOE . IOE WAS WHEN WE APPLIED FOR PITISON.
  8. I did not understand your reply?
  9. Thank you for your inquiry regarding a request to expedite your case. Unfortunately, your request will not be submitted because you do not currently have the required evidence to support the need for an expedite. Recived this reply
  10. Thanks Hope for the best. Apply In August 22. USCIS working on May 22 don’t know how long it will take?
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