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Everything posted by jensenes19

  1. Actually I just talked to them and checked calendar. The visas were ready Wednesday so it was a week after the first interview.
  2. It still takes several days to receive the visa so don't book anything. I got burned booking airfare 10 years ago with my then fiancee, now wife. They had interview Wednesday and Thursday but visas weren't ready until Monday.
  3. The interview was 2 days. Different from the way they did it in the past. Their interview was scheduled for Wednesday but they had to go back on Thursday for the 2nd part.
  4. Thanks all. He was able to get the issue taken care of in Mexico City and get an appointment in Ciudad Juarez on Monday, October 2. Passport renewal was much easier and faster there. He was dealing with Acapulco before.
  5. My wife's parents have their interview scheduled for October 4 in Ciudad Juarez. Because this whole process has taken 2 years their passports expired. They had an appointment last week to renew and her mom got a new passport. There is a delay in her dad getting a new passport due to a mix up with another person of the same name in their records or something. He has to go to Mexico City to get some documents and then go back to Acapulco to renew his passport. This delay is probably going to mean he will have an expired passport at the time of interview in Ciudad Juarez. Should they still show up for their interview or should we try to reschedule? Will they not issue a visa without a current passport? I'm not sure what to do here so looking for advice.
  6. When I went through the fiancee visa process in Ciudad Juarez with my wife about 10 years ago I remember we had a biometrics appointment prior to the interview where they took fingerprints and photos. Is this still a requirement? We have IR5 visa interviews for her parents coming up on October 4. I was figuring I would schedule the medical exam for October 2. My other question is do they still make you wait for your visa to be sent via DHL or do they just give you the visa right away and/or stamp your passport?
  7. I have a question about travelling abroad after entering the US on an IR5 visa. My wife's parents just received their interview date set for October 4. After approval we will pay the USCIS immigrant fee right away. They will likely be entering the United States as soon as they receive their visas. My question is, it says it may take 90 days to receive the green card in the mail after paying the immigrant fee. We travel to Mexico over Christmas and New Years almost every year and we'd like to take them with us. Will they be able to re-enter the United States without that green card. Is the passport stamp good enough?
  8. We just got interview dates today. Interviews are set for October 4 in Ciudad Juarez. DQ date for mom Mom was 9/14/22 and DQ date for Dad was 11/2/22. Good luck everyone!
  9. Found this on CBP website. You only need a re-entry permit if you're leaving the country for more than a year.
  10. That would make things incredibly difficult. They live in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and that is a world away from Ciudad Juarez. Hotel/airfare would be much cheaper if they were done together. If you try to reschedule the interviews do they push you to the back of the line and make you wait another 18 months?
  11. I have a question about the interviews. My wife got her citizenship so we applied for her parents. We submitted the exact same documents for both parents. Her mom was DQ'd September 14 but they sent an RFE for her dad. We had to send copies of W2/1099's even though we had included 3 years of full tax returns. We uploaded those and he was DQ'd November 2. I submitted an inquiry asking NVC to link the cases so the interview date would be the same. They sent me the same vanilla response they send everyone for everything. While they "attempt" to process and schedule related cases together, they make no guarantees. Is it possible they would end up with different interview dates, and if that happens, what can I do about it?
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