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Everything posted by hopeful0811

  1. Yes, I and a few others had to wait 2-3 days before it let you do it. Super easy to do once it lets you!
  2. I've been keeping up with the news on that, making me very nervous. Currently with the way the strikes have been announced I can get into London okay (will have to use a taxi at one point). Got all my fingers and toes crossed that that doesn't change. I'm just wondering what would happen if embassy staff can't get in? Would they cancel our interviews and then we are back to square one waiting again?
  3. Amazing, thanks so much. When are you off to the US? Haha I imagine I'll be apologising too! I was confused because when I got there yesterday, it was gone 5pm so it was all closed up. Took me a while to twig that they're closed and that's why it looks abandoned lol. I haven't booked my entry yet, but I'm planning on the last 2 weeks of April. That'll give me enough time to leave my job, pack, say goodbye to people etc
  4. I hope this is the right thread to post this, as I had a little look through and couldn't seem to find a London medical mega thread (new to this site so I may have overlooked a place!) but I just wanted to write about my experience with the medical exam in case it helps someone else. My appointment was mid-afternoon yesterday. When I booked a few weeks earlier, I could take my pick of the times available. They tell you that you can't arrive early, but I went in 10 mins before my appointment. They didn't care I was early. They asked for my name and all documents they had requested. I gave them my passport, police certificate, medical questionnaire, GP summary, vaccine records, NVC letter showing my visa category and case number, and my red book. I also gave my marriage certificate as I had taken my husband's surname since starting the visa process so they updated it on the system. The confirmation email asked for 4 passport style photos, but they didn't want those as they took a photo of me there instead. The red book was also just "bring if it you have it, no worries if not". They made copies of my documents and handed them back to me, but they kept a few like my passport, red book, medical questionnaire and NVC letter. They gave me a cup to make a urine sample and also some forms to fill out. These were questionnaires about my medical history. Took a couple mins to complete. I handed them back at reception and sat down to wait. I was called in to see the dr after a few minutes wait, she was absolutely lovely. Started by asking me questions about my history, confirming my details. I was weighed, measured, and then asked to remove my jeans and sit on the table with a gown on. She felt my lymph nodes and took my temperature. Then I laid down, she took my blood pressure, heart rate, felt my stomach, legs, looked at my arms, listened to my heart and then my lungs. She took 1 vial of blood and then we were done. Very easy, she was very welcoming and made me feel at ease. I returned to the waiting room and waited a few more mins before being called to the xray room. I was asked to remove my t-shirt, bra, and any jewellery around my neck. I had to put my hair up too (they had clips I could use). I put the gown on to cover myself and was directed into position pressing up against the machine (kind of an awkward pose but not uncomfortable). Then I got dressed, put the gown in the bin, and went back to the waiting room again. After a few mins I was called to see the nurse to go through my vaccines. I needed 3 - the flu, DPT and hep B. The flu because I hadn't had it yet, DPT because polio is on the rise so they want you to have an up-to-date jab, and hep B because this wasn't a vaccine available when I was a child. The nurse said I could have them there and then, or I could get them done privately later and send them proof. I chose to get it done there because it's easier. 2 jabs in one arm, one in the other. Very easy and done with kindness and compassion. Then I went back to the waiting room for all my paperwork to get to reception. Whilst waiting, I popped to the loo to provide my urine sample. A few mins later, I was called to reception and they gave me back my documents, as well as giving me receipts, info of the vaccines I'd received and told me that if I don't hear from them, all is well. Then I had to pay (a total of £500) and I was free to go. All in all, it took about the 90 minutes they advised, but it went by so quickly. All the staff were so friendly, helpful, kind, and made me feel at ease.
  5. Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you! I had my medical yesterday and also went to the embassy whilst I was there just to try to figure out where I need to go for my interview. There's this little building called South Pavilion Consular services, looks like a glass building outside the main weird looking building. Is that the place we need to go for the interview?
  6. Worked for me too! I believe now there is nothing further that needs to be done prior to the interview? Registration, done. Courier scheduling, done. Medical exam is scheduled
  7. Thank you so much, I've read some of those interview reviews and it's incredibly reassuring. I am one of those people who over-packs "just in case" haha. I think I will be a ball of nerves until my interview has been and gone.
  8. Oh wow that's so early!! And it's supposed to be incredibly cold this week too. I was hoping my interview would be in the afternoon, but it's first thing so I think I will be coming to London the night before and spending the night in a nearby hotel to avoid trying to get in during rush hour.
  9. I'm going through the list of required documents and I just want to write them down here so anyone can see if I've missed something? I've got this list from the official website and added a few of my own due to my circumstances: - Interview letter - My passport plus photocopy (I changed my passport recently so I will bring my old and new one, plus copies of each) - Visa photos - DS-260 confirmation page - My birth certificate plus photocopy - Copy of husband's I864 - Copy of joint sponsor's I864 - Copy of husband's most recent tax return - Copy of joint sponsor's most recent tax return - Copy of husband's W2 - Copy of joint sponsor's W2 - Copy of husband's proof of domicile in US (passport, birth certificate) - Copy of joint sponsor's proof of domicile in US (birth certificate, as he doesn't have a valid passport) - Evidence of our relationship - photos, boarding passes, cards - Our marriage certificate and photocopy - My police certificate and photocopy - My deed poll (as I changed my name) - Photocopy of husband's driving licence (as his address may need updating on the system)
  10. I am so excited for everybody!! It feels so surreal for me. We have waited for this stage for YEARS and now it's finally happening. A question I have though, is.... what on earth do we wear to the interview?! Haha, seems trivial but I want to be dressed right! I have a plain black smart dress I'm thinking of wearing. I'm assuming they're expecting quite formal clothing. Also, I got that same message about registering the interview - it won't let me yet so will try later this week. How exciting! Best of luck to you! You must tell us all about it afterwards. It's so exciting
  11. Ahh I got my interview date too!! DQ - 25th Jan, IL 7th Feb, interview 16th March
  12. I've just had a text saying the letter is ready for collection. Bloody typical, I said to myself I bet once I've rescheduled it, they'll have it done hahaha. If I don't laugh I'll cry. But it's done, I'll collect it after work today, all is well again
  13. Thank you so much. I had originally told them I needed it by 5pm tomorrow, so if I haven't received it by then, I'll go down this route. It's so unnecessarily stressful!
  14. Oh that's interesting. Yeah I have no medical issues or history really so my summary would be very small. How would I request it formally? And what time frame do they have to give it in if I request it that way? It might be something I'll have to consider if they don't do it by end of next week, as my appt is now on the 16th.
  15. I've just had to reschedule my medical. Not the end of the world, but just a pain. Reason was my GP surgery still haven't sent the letter over, and when I've chased it they have the attitude of "we'll get it to you when we get it to you". I looked up the cancellation policy and they need 3 working days notice or they'll charge you £100. Meaning I'd have needed the letter by 3pm today latest, which isn't gonna happen! So I pushed it back a week and a half. Fingers crossed I get it by then and it all goes smoothly. I've not had my interview date yet so shouldn't be a problem, but going by everyone's estimations of interviews etc, I don't want my medical to be any later than mid-late Feb. Also, just an FYI for anyone wanting to know about wait times for the medical - mine was originally for the 7th, I asked to push it back to the week after and asked what dates they have, the lady said "what date would you like?" so there doesn't seem like there's much wait at all, there were multiple appointment times available morning and evening for several dates. Lots of flexibility
  16. I phoned on the 27th to book and they said the first available appointment was 7th Feb for a medical
  17. I didn't know they had to be less than 6 months old at the interview (my visa passport style photos were taken in May last year that I submitted online) so I best get new ones taken juuust in case! I'd rather have too much than not enough
  18. Haha, I know what you mean. I still print out everything "just in case" e.g. when flying, as I'm always nervous about my phone not working at the right time! I'm booked in for my medical in just under 2 weeks time, eeeek. Hopefully that isn't too soon and my interview date will be not long after that! The lady on the phone was so lovely. Although I am shocked at the price! Embassy website says basic fee is £290, the confirmation email says £380!
  19. Thank you so much for explaining this all to me, it's so reassuring. The internet is so complex trying to research this! I didn't know that about not getting the big envelope anymore either. IT makes sense that everything is more digital now. I feel a bit calmer now I know what to really expect! I will phone the medical office when they open at 9 and get booked in!
  20. The website says I will need to bring "All medical and specialist reports relating to the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB)." with me to my medical. I've never had TB, so should I just disregard this?
  21. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! We started this whole process in August 2021, so to be at this stage now is just beyond exciting. I have found the place we have to go to is VisaMedicals in London - do I just phone them up to book? I am so relieved about the documents, it was really worrying me. I was literally about to start googling the safest ways to mail birth certificates haha. I guess I better get printing! I'm off to my GP surgery tomorrow to get that summary of my records too, which I have to pay £30 for! My mind is absolutely racing now lol
  22. Hi all, I've only just discovered this website tonight and I have to say my level of worry has gone up a bit reading this thread! I was DQ'd yesterday at last, so now I'm just waiting for my interview date. Everything says you can't book your medical without this date, but lots of you have said you can? How do I go about that? How do I know when to book it for if I don't have my interview date yet? I was also reading it can take months to get your interview date, but you guys seem to be getting it within about a month of DQ? My nerves have shot up reading this! Could someone also please advise me on whether I will need my husband's and joint sponsor's documents like birth certificates, tax info etc (the originals) at the interview? Obviously, I don't have these considering I'm 5000 miles away and the thought of having my visa denied due to this is very stressful! Surely I just need my own civil docs? Sorry for the essay but thanks for any help, this is all very nervey
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