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Everything posted by Obllak[BANNED]

  1. Thank you so much for your help, we deeply appreciate it!!
  2. Thanks! This is helpful. Are you maybe familiar with other receipt number letters (first three, usually related to Service Centers) that has high volume cases?
  3. We are wondering just about I-130, not K1. You are right, we are not actually asking about Service Centers, but about the letters in Receipt Number, by which you can track your case (like IOE, WAC, FO etc.)
  4. Hi everyone! We built website link removed for I-129F and we are thinking of building it for I-130 as well. We are aware of the IOE service center and it seems that the vast majority of cases are filed there. Is that correct? Are there any other high volume Service Centers that process I-130 cases that we should include? We would appreciate any useful information, including receipt numbers examples if you are willing to share of DM them. Thanks!!
  5. This I believe is connected to the status "case closed benefit received by other means”, correct? We classify those cases in I-129F as "Withdrawn", because it better reflects the fact that they were removed from the backlog out of order.
  6. Actually! Just checked numbers from yesterday, it was a great week and we got a new record! Look like they changed statuses later and these are probably Friday numbers. Except if they really worked on Saturday. Anyhow, great week!
  7. Absolutely, I agree. We are unfortunately lacking data from 2020 to know for sure.
  8. What is very interesting regarding this is the fact, that they used to reject more cases per month than deny, but they switched since February this year, when they started processing drastically higher numbers of cases (when USCIS got many new workers). Concerning?
  9. Most of them are from denied. For example, yesterday they denied 42 cases and rejected 10. On May 18th, they denied 50 cases and rejected 10 etc. Denied = applicant is ineligible to receive a visa (older cases; in the backlog) Rejected = USCIS reject form upon receipt if the form is incorrectly filled (newer cases; not in the backlog)
  10. Looks like USCIS had a "cleaning day" yesterday - they processed more older cases (from June to December 2021) and way less "hot zone" cases compared to previous days. But in general, not the best processing day regarding SUM numbers. Nonetheless, average number of processing cases for this month are still hitting the highest records!
  11. They are processing older cases all the time, just at slower speed (putting less attention to older months) . For example, yesterday they approved 1 case from February 2021, 3 cases from July 2021, 2 from August 2021 etc.
  12. There are "rejections" and "denials". Rejections happen immediately if the form is not correctly filed (missing signature, incorrect form type etc.), while denials happen later, if USCIS decide that applicant is not eligible to receive visa.
  13. Are you guys sure you are not missing the expedition label? Sometimes it gets expedited and also then processed the same day. if you are scanning after that and the change of statuses are not saved into the database, you simply can't know there were ever expedited. All expedited cases we see are processed extremely fast.
  14. Hi everyone! Did I-130 ever had scanners here on VJ?
  15. Hi everyone! Did I-130 ever had scanners here on VJ?
  16. And this is the "problem" of "Processing Times" of official USCIS page, when so many people think they are reflecting the future processing time, while it is showing just historical processing time. They were not being told it will take 8-9-10 months, they were just told that in the past (before this times were published), 80% of cases took 8-9-10 months to be processed. It has nothing to the with the future trend.
  17. We are planning to do the data for I-130 after we launch the website for I-129F
  18. I just run the code again and got few extra denials/rejections. Maybe we will have a big increase in numbers tomorrow as it happened in the past before. Or maybe just a bug in the system. Who knows! But our code went normally through. Will definitely check logs tomorrow again for yesterday to see if they update some statuses today for yesterday.
  19. We got a new record for the weekly processing (1303 cases all together = on average 261 cases/day + expecting few extra tomorrow)! This week USCIS also approved the highest amount of cases compared to previous weeks (on average USCIS approved 226 cases per day this week, which is 21 cases more per day compared to previous week). Overall great beginning of May! If this trend continues, we can expect ~6000 processed cases in May (avg 261 cases/day * 23 [working days in May] = 6003 cases)
  20. Hi, we are tracking all updates (not ranges), so until you get a scanner for ranges, I can post daily updates for the whole month if this is something your guys would like to see? May 4th: - 21 RFEs - 3 Pendings - 86 Approvals - 1 Denials - 1 Withdrawals
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