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Everything posted by Arked7

  1. Maybe in couple days cause the paki immigration video said they will post updates in couple days. But who knows.
  2. I think they used it up for F categories
  3. I was thinking the same.
  4. My wife is changing house, do I have to do anything? When the time comes I’ll upload her latest NADRA card that will have the new address. But like application wise like resubmit a new form or anything.
  5. Do you know what date of April?
  6. I saw someone on IG said next week in shaa allah. They specifically said December 6 but let’s see.
  7. I have a question, for now how long does the visa validity takes after approval? Like when you get the passport how long is the visa valid for in order to make entry into U.S.
  8. That’s means for me it’s less than a year left since I am DQ April 5, 2023
  9. I agree. 6 days in just one month makes no sense to me. I wish someone had an insider in us embassy to update us daily
  10. In shaa allah, I hope you get it soon.
  11. Under the video that was shared from the Jayne lady. Someone commented saying his friend DQ was December 23rd 2021 and the interview was today. I can share screenshot I’d have to go back and locate it again. They are going slow it’s like one date at a time.
  12. Can you check cause I saw on IG that they are onto December 23rd as of today
  13. I will see, I’m from Karachi so from what I see and hear it’s not safe.
  14. No I still follow this thread literally daily. My DQ is April 5 2023 and I know my wife interview time won’t come for another 1.5 year. It’s sad to see Pakistan going very slow while I was looking at India and they are getting approved 6-8 after getting DQed. It’s very sad. I’m debating to whether visit wife or not due to condition of Pakistan. I think people stop following knowing it’s a 2-3 years wait and will come back here when their time is near.
  15. Can you tell me how you saw the update?
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