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Petra Rose

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Everything posted by Petra Rose

  1. My husband had an Amex in the UK and as soon as he got his SSN, before we were even married on K1, he was able to get one in the US with a huge line of credit due to his worthiness over there. so it’s just a time thing using his Amex and all that. He personally hasn’t gotten a credit score yet, but should soon. if you have the SSN we have apps like kickoff/self to help build credit for $5 a month. I have kickoff myself and it’s built up my credit from very low due to medical debt to ideal in about a year and a half! But if the move you’re wanting to do isn’t immediate, something low cost like that could set you up for when you’re more permanently here. Credit line age and all that.
  2. After many weeks bugging NVC we finally got notice today the case is headed off to London! He's starting all the stuff on his end, well with what he can. Hopefully we hear back soon from the Embassy. No idea if it left sooner than that but it was approaching that 60 days since it was initially approved. The email was just dated today. Each wait seems shorter and shorter which is encouraging.
  3. We got our approval yesterday! (NOA1 Jan 12th) Of course right before, my fiancé decided on a spontaneous trip to Hong Kong for a few weeks and he left today lol We elected not to spend the holidays together because of my job and with how soon we might hear stuff back. Honestly thought we’d get NOA2 closer to his bday in December. Didn’t wanna spend two plane tickets to the US potentially so close together if he was coming here to live when he can just work while on this trip. And this way when he comes back from HK he can spend Christmas with his family in Ireland one last year. now the second waiting game begins.
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