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Posts posted by Angela25

  1. 54 minutes ago, Lil bear said:

    Adjustment of status AOS requires you to remain in the US through the process   You can apply for work authorization and advance parole card ( which allows you to return if you travel overseas ) but these applications take 8-9 months and until they are approved you cannot work, get a SSNumber, most states will not allow you a drivers licence.. or return to the US if you go overseas ( your AOS will be considered abandoned  if you leave the US without this ) The actual AOS process takes 12-18 months. This is no easy route .. lots of challenges that many many underestimate.. are you really ready to not be able to work, drive, travel back to your home country and walk away from your current life /work/study/friends/family  for the best part of the next 12 months. Short term gain of being  together has cost many couples their long term  relationship 



    Thank you so much....I will discuss with him and we will make a choice. So the work permit takes 8-9 months to get currently?

  2. 6 minutes ago, powerpuff said:

    You can get married while you’re here and both of you can file the required forms, but be ready to not be able to work and travel (and possibly drive depending on where you live) for many months. If you’re okay with that, go ahead.


    I would not wait until March and risk for you to overstay. If he wants to and is ready to marry you, he should do so in the next few days to get the ball rolling.

    Wow I was scared that I will get in trouble. Thank you so much. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Daphne . said:

    You can get married in the US but just being married doesn’t grant you immigration benefits.


    The best thing to do (in my opinion) is to get married, leave the US after the wedding and start the CR1. This way, you will be free to work and travel immediately upon arriving in the US on your approved visa.


    You mention that you have a new job, and that is great. Keep that job because that will make it a little easier to continue to vist the US. 

    Thank you so much. But he does not want me to return back home and being afraid that my B1/B2 will be cancelled and he is not someone that can cope with distance. So, is there any issue if I remain here. I too cannot cope with distance in a relationship. 

  4. Hey House, I really need advise and help please!

    I had might this friend through a mutual friend when he came to visit my country.

    So when I was applying for a B1/B2 visa, I started that I was going to visit him. My B1/B2 visa was approved in May2022

    I first visited the US in Aug2022 and we got along, he was cool, we started talking more and getting to know each other.  

    I left the US after 2wks and we still kept talking and building our friendship and I liked his demeanor. 

    In Oct2022 I visited the USA again and our friendship became romantic and he was very intentional on our now relationship. 

    So, I have been in the USA since then but now I am about to head back because I got a new job.

    To my surprise he proposed in January and I accepted and he wants to get married to me in March.


    I am afraid that I will overstay my visa....So a friend of mine told me to ask here about becoming a permanent resident when you marry to a US citizen and get opinions. 


    Can we get married here, do I have to go back to my country and get married there, will the marriage impact my visitors visa, what risk am I up against? Please I need your opinions. 


    I am still reading a lot on these thread so pardon me and please feel free to refer me to any thread that will help. 


    Thank you so much.




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