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Everything posted by NicoNeko

  1. If I was using a scanner then yes. But I don't have a scanner, so I used the app Adobe Scan on my iphone to scan my files. Unfortunately I couldn't find anyway to adjust the scan quality through the settings on the app. I also received scanned files from my joint sponsor that were quite large.
  2. Are you having problems like I was trying to upload files onto the CEAC website? Here's how I was finally able to make my multi page pdf files (e.g. I-864) small enough to upload: Step one: convert pdf to jpeg files (page by page, very tedious). Step two: adjust the size of each jpeg (again, page by page) Step three: make a new pdf using the new jpegs Step four: save a compressed version of the pdf I used Mac's program "Preview" and Adobe Acrobat
  3. Thank you so much for your responses. After our conversation, I was able to catch and correct a mistake on my i864 before submitting it (I originally included my foreign earned income but after talking to you I changed the value to ZERO). I hope I pass this part of the application without an RFE. Thank you again for your time and invaluable expertise!
  4. Since my income does not qualify, is this the correct way to fill out the i864: employment: I put my employment information annual income: 0 what do you think?
  5. I completely understand. However it is scary to press the SUBMIT DOCUMENTS button when the system registers my required documents as INCOMPLETE.
  6. This was wonderful advice. I uploaded my letter of non-filing from the IRS in the place where my 2023 tax transcript would go. I also added a small explanation in the comments along with uploading my evidence and signed explanation letter in the additional documents area. Thank you!
  7. Thank you for your wonder response! I have one additional question for you. If my only income is foreign earned income and I already know that I don't qualify, is it necessary to include a pay stub? I will ask my joint sponsor for a copy of their paystub to prove current employment.
  8. Oh yes, I have a joint sponsor and all of the required documentation. Just wondering about which area to upload my files to. Maybe I’m overthinking it.
  9. Hello! I have a question for anyone who might be able to help. I am filing my Affidavit of Support online through the CEAC website. One of the required documents is the most recent tax return transcript. My situation: I was not required to file because I had no income in 2023 since I was on childcare leave from work. I have documents to support this and have also written an explanation letter. My question: In the main UPLOADS area, do I leave the tax document as (missing) ? Or should I upload my explanation letter in the spot where the tax document would go?
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