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  1. To answer everyone about the lying, He wasn't going to lie, I guess I mis-wrote that, as he was going to state the reason of visit as to visit his family here (true) but then also visit me, (ofc answering that if asked, but not volunteering that up as the reason for visit front and center). Now we have been meeting up in Mexico for a year now, 3 trips (once every 2 months), so he now has some travel history and proof he returns each time. Do we think that might help his case a little? and FYI we are a gay couple to anyone who didn't catch on, which is a challenge in his home country since its not as accepted as it is here in the states (not sure if that helps our hurts our situation lol)
  2. Hi Everyone, I need some advice for my boyfriend who wants to visit from Belize. He applied for a tourist visa about a year ago to come visit (we had known each other 1 year at that point and had not met). He was denied and was told "we don't think you will come back" because he didn't have a job (and still doesn't). I had written a letter explaining our connection (did not mention we were dating). He is a hospitality major, and I am in the hospitality field and we met through school connections. I noted I was going to show him California and how travel and tourism works here to better his career opportunities in Belize. We have now been together 2 years and want to try again for the tourist visa. The question really is - should we be honest and say he is coming to visit his boyfriend? My gut tells me no.... and he does have family that lives on the east coast but he isn't "out of the closet" to them so he didn't really want to put them down or he feels he would have to explain himself. But I personally think that's the best bet to getting approved. Any thoughts or advice on getting his visitor visa approved? Thanks for any help everyone!!
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