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Everything posted by Emmaa

  1. Them keeping your passport in 89% of your getting your visa if all documents of you are provided to them… my own passport was returned to me and I was asked to send my passport back with the documents requested. All you need right now is for your case status to change to issued. Quote
  2. Them keeping your passport in 89% of your getting your visa if all documents of your are provided to them… my own passport was returned to me and I was asked to send my passport back with the documents requested. All you need right now is for your case status to change to issued.
  3. That’s not true…. Two factors as to do with 221g either background checks or documents are missing as well the beneficial did not know much information about the petitioner even the visa that was issued during the interview still goes through administration process which is 221G
  4. Bro no let anybody put you under pressure… since it 221G just relax sometimes it takes 3 months to complete the process or more depends on your case always check you case status online it will change from refuse to case ready after that it will go Application Received and the last update should be issued. But sometimes the date will change and your status will remain refused don’t panic that happens because they’re doing some filings on your case but always call them at least twice or once a week.
  5. Nothing to worry about I go through the same process all you need to do is to submit the request document as soon as you can… and if you were asked to send back your passport with the documents requested that a good sign your visa will be on your passport once the process is completed but it can take up to 3 months tops 6 months…. My own case took 3months before it approved.
  6. Congrats to you am still waiting on mine… last week I saw the case date changes but status still remains refused hopefully next week I will have a positive news
  7. Do you later get your visa approved
  8. Two months nd some days
  9. My own still remains refused but the date has been changing since last week. First 14th which last week Wednesday also yesterday which is 21st. Hopefully maybe next week I should have good response from them.
  10. 8 weeks or 180 days on the same trail with you
  11. Mine still shows refused but the date changes last week but I spoke to people about it and they made understand sometimes it might be do to background check that once they have complete information everything will be updated and since the date change it show they working on it
  12. Well, still waiting on the embassy according to people it takes 6 to 8 weeks so all finger crossed
  13. He did need one from Jamaica as well… am going through same process I have to request for police certificate from my home country
  14. Did they asked you to submit the police report or is not stated on your 221g form?
  15. AP since 2021 something is not right here you need to check your case status online first. Am on AP and this week will make it 4th week for me after submitting the documents requested of me but according to people who have been on same process said it takes 3 to 4 weeks before you hear from them.
  16. Sure. During my interview I forget to go with my original birth certificate and police report from my home country which I think it will not be necessary but after the interview she told me I will need to send them with my passport back to the embassy both documents has since been received a week ago, so hopefully this week am hearing from them.
  17. According to my findings it takes 2 weeks for background check to come back
  18. I called them last week Friday and the lady who speak to me over the phone said my case is under AP also they received the documents that was requested of me during my interview hopefully this week I might heard from them
  19. Glad to hear the good news. I will keep you posted as well
  20. No have not had any since May 4th am thinking of given them a call
  21. I had my interview last month as well in Santo Domingo and I was issued 221g form to provide my original birth certificate copy… have submitted the documents requested from me as well my passport as the CO mention but my status still remains Refused it was only updated last week Thursday
  22. I think you experiencing same situation with me… I had my interview on 14th of April after the whole interview everything was great according to the CO, but she needed me to provide her updated police from my home country but am Dominican Republic Resident Holder I have sent in requested documents and I checked my status online and I realized it was updated but still shows ‘Refused’. Kindly keep me updated if you got any info from them yet
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