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Everything posted by Wcr984

  1. I-140 was handled by employer. I filled out the DS-260. I entered July 30th and received my green card yesterday. The envelope was had an invalid address so USCIS entered my address wrong at the Rainbow Bridge. I narrowly avoided having it returned to USCIS simply by waiting for the mailman and asking for it. SSN was generated August 1st but I never received the card due to the address issue. I was due to start working on August 14th, but had to request a replacement social security card this week with the correct address. That is the final step before I begin work!
  2. My employer had only asked if I’d heard anything after about 2 months of waiting, but nobody told me anything about being expedited. So, who knows? 🤷🏻‍♂️Either way, a relief.
  3. CEAC updated the day of the interview Feb 27th, Feb 28th, and March 1st. No further updates until last week. There were 3 unsolicited updates May 12th, 15th, and 16th. It updated again when I got the email this morning to return my passport.
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